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A couple days later in an unknown location

Ghul is awaiting the arrival of his colleague in a secured location, wondering about the next stage of their plan. His broad look menacing as he places a hand on his chin and thinks about the time. "Like usual... she is late." He muttered.

"Calm down Ghul. I am not late. You are just early to arrive, as usual." Queen Bee said as she stepped out of the shadows and looked at her colleague. She put her hand on her hip and narrowed her eyes. "So, you called about our girls. I presume you have an idea on how to get them back."

Ghul raises his left eyebrow slightly as he gazes upon the Queen, his colleague, "It is better to be early." He replies before removing his hand from his chin, "I do indeed have some plans, but I need your personal opinion seeming it involves both of our girls." He explains.

"Then start explaining this plan of yours. I do, after all, have a kingdom I need to run and Psimon can't take care of it all forever." Queen Bee said to him, intrigued by his need for her opinion on how to get their girls back.

Ghul simply grunts before mentioning. "My enforcer, Sportsmaster, and his daughter Cheshire, are very good at conducting mayhem within the team. I was thinking, while they have the team distracted, your enforcer, Psimon, catches the attention off my girl and yours, keeping them together while the team are distracted." He explains his idea.

"While that seems like a good plan, how are you planning to take care of the Martian? She will easily be able to sense Psimon's presence." Queen Bee pointed out to him. "Unless you have someone on your side weaken her, we can't do anything." She points out.

Ghul smirks at this comment. "I believe you hold the answer. Tell me about your girl. What can she do?" He smugly comments, already having that part solved and planned out.

"She's got fire powers but she can also morph into a phoenix. There is also a little know secret about her that only I and Psimon know. Should Psimon manage to get my girl under control, she will turn on the team and take them down without mercy." Queen Bee explained to him.

Ghul continues his smug smilie with a simple gesture to what she just said. "Now think about what you said for a moment Bee... If Psimon manages to even got a hold of her for a second..." but he doesn't get to finish his sentence as Queen Bee finishes it for him.

"Then she could take out the Martian herself. I see why they consider you one of the smartest men to live." Queen Bee smirks back to him. "One second is all he needs to get the slightest bit on control over her. When should this plan take place Ghul?" She asked him.

Ghul claps his hands together gently. "Indeed I do have great plans. It just so happens that this time round, the factors worked in our favor. As for when the plan should take place, I was thinking a couple days time, to ensure the plan works without any flaws." He suggests.

Queen Bee nodded. "Agreed. Once you have it all finalized, I'll send Psimon to you in order to fulfill our mission. Savage is already upset with us at the fact they both escaped. Once we get them back, he should be in a much better mood."

Ghul nods in agreement. "Thank you Bee, and as for Vandal, I am sure he will brighten once this mission is fulfilled. After all, it would of been a big downfall for the Light with the information they hold against us if they do remember. So I understand his frustration seeming these two girls of ours are part of the Lights plan to conquer both teams of heroes." He points out.

"I certainly look forward to having my Serenity back." Queen Bee said to him. "What about you Ghul? You looking forward to having your girl back under your control?" She asked as well, a gleam in her eyes that showed her truly appearing very happy with the possibility of getting them back on the side of the Light again.

Ghul looks to the woman and thinks for a moment. "Indeed I am eager for the return of my best trained shadow. She was a great asset to the League of Shadows and ultimately the Light." He answers Queen Bee's question as his thoughts advert to what training he would program into the 'Dove's' mind once she was returned to under his wing. A small flicker of happiness flashing in his eyes, one subtle enough to not be seen by the cold hearted man he was known to be.

"Until she started thinking for herself. At which point you sent her off to that lab with a blank memory." Queen Bee reminded him. "If I remember correctly, you had wanted to correct her behavior. That didn't turn out very well for you now did it?" She crossed her arms.

Ghul grits his teeth slightly at her harsh words. "I indeed made the decision for her to be sent to the labs. I wanted her to be reprogrammed. But mind you, the scientists put her with your girl without the confirmation from me. But soon enough, she'll forget all about your girl." He muttered.

Queen Bee nods. "Good. We can't have them remembering each other and trying to escape from our clutches again." She said to him seriously. Her 'daughter' had already escaped once; she wasn't about to have it happen again. Not on her watch.

Ghul nods in agreement. "Yes, I won't loose my 'Dove' again as I'm sure you don't want to loose your 'daughter' again." He muttered thinking about how angry he was upon hearing his 'Dove' had escaped his clutches due to the mistake of the CADMUS laboratory. "But now with our plan in place, they will be returned to their rightful place soon enough." He finishes his comment.

"Indeed Ghul. They will be back in our clutches and under the Light's control once more. Until we speak again to finalize our plans." Queen Bee said to him before she walked back into the shadows to get back to her Bialya kingdom, looking forward to having her 'daughter' back.

Ghul allows the small smirk of happiness to slip onto his face as he turns around. "Until they are brought into the Light." He whispered to himself as a finalizing sentence before walking off back to Infinity Island where the base of the shadows was located.

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