Chapter 16

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A week later...

Moonari and Scarlett were coming down the hall and out into the main room when they noticed that some of the team is in strange outfits. Moonari tilts her head in confusion and fluffs out her wings slightly. "I wonder what that's about." She looks over and tells Scarlett with a curious look.

Scarlett gazes upon the few team members that are around - Megan, Connor and Wally - and shrugs as she takes notes of their strange outfits also, "I don't know Moonie. Whatever it is... it's strange?" She questions thinking about possibilities. "Maybe it's for another mission?" She finally suggests.

"Recognise Artemis B07, Zatanna Zatara A03" Calls out the Zeta Tube system at that moment, making the entrance of the two other girl members, Artemis and Zatanna, known.

Moonari looks back over at them. "Maybe. We should go ask Artemis or Zatanna." She replies back, walking over to the two girls who had just began talking to each other privately before looking at Connor getting wrapped up by Megan. It was strange to say the least, being wrapped up in some kind of paper or bandage.

Scarlett nods. "Yeah okay. I'm sure Zee and Arty will know what's going on. Even they are in strange weird costumes. Zatanna actually reminds me of a witch." She slightly shudders at that comment. She hadn't recognized what Artemis was trying to be yet.

Moonari tensed slightly and her feathers fluffed up a bit at the word 'witch' but she refused to let it get to her. Just something about was both familiar but not at the same time. "Artemis, Zatanna, what's this all about?" She asked them both as they approached.

Artemis looks to the two girls, and tries to hide the frown that was upon her face. "We were going out to a Halloween dance. But I'm not feeling it much anymore." She tries not to grouch knowing the girls need a bit of softness.

"What is 'Halloween'?" Moonari asked the question. "Is it a mission of sorts?"

Zatanna shook her head. "No. Halloween is where you get dressed up in costumes and go around neighborhoods to get candy or go to parties and have fun. But we're not going. In fact, I was about to suggest to Artemis about having a girls night."

Scarlett tilts her head listening to it all. "A Halloween party? Getting dressed up and having fun? Oh that sounds like good fun." She murmurs thinking about everything that was just said. "We should go to the party Moonari." She murmurs forgetting boys would be there too.

Moonari looked at her like she was crazy. "I-I......I can't." She stuttered and inclined her head over at Connor and Wally as they were in costumes as well, ready to go with Megan. "I can't do it. Could I join you two for a girls night? I haven't really had the chance to go out in awhile." She asked, looking back at Zee and Arty.

Scarlett notices the boy and makes an "oh" sound before looking to Artemis and Zatanna. "I'll come along with you then Moonari." She mentions not wanting to leave her sister alone although the idea of a party thrilled her.

Moonari shakes her head, seeing how much Scarlett wants to attend and see what this party thing is like. "No, no. I'll be fine. It'll just be the three of us with nothing going on. What could possibly happen?" She asked with an innocent smile.

Scarlett tilts her head. "You sure? I just... don't want you to freak out again." She murmurs her worry and slight fear.

Moonari nodded at her. "As long as it's okay with Zatanna and Artemis that I join them. I wouldn't want to impose or reign on their night out." She added and looked at both girls she mentioned.

"I'm perfectly fine with it. This is what Artemis wants so I'm just going with her to help her relax and enjoy the night her way." Zatanna explained to the two.

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