Chapter 20

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Few seconds later

Aqualad stares down upon Cheshire from a slightly higher position before setting his gaze upon the unconscious Scarlett. He instantly sends a mind-link to the rest of the team. "I've located Cheshire, Sportsmaster and the two girls. They are trying to escape down the small back alley towards north of the mall block." He informs before speaking out loud to Cheshire. "I will not let you take the girls so easily."

"Ha! I'd like to see you stop me Fish Boy." Cheshire laughed at Aqualad before she ran at him with both sai out and ready to attack him.

Sportsmaster smirks before commenting, "Don't be too long, I'll see you soon Baby Girl." He instantly runs down the alley and climbs up an escape ladder towards another platform, quick and easy for escape. His main objective was the winged girl anyway, and he planned to deliver.

Artemis growls privately to herself upon hearing the words from Aqualad mind-link. "I will not let them get away." She muttered to herself before replying through mind-link, "I'll be there in 2 minutes Aqualad." She had a bone to pick with her family, no one tried to hurt her friends, nonetheless, try to kidnap them through the use of innocence.

"On our way Kaldur." Robin called and quickly started making his way to the back alley of the mall to meet up with his teammate.

Kid Flash raced over without a word, followed by M'Gann and Zatanna a few minutes behind Kid Flash due to his speed advantage.

Aqualad having quick reflexes, doesn't give Cheshire any chance to strike at him as he automatically whips out his water sabers to deflect Cheshire's attack. "There are many fish in the ocean." He quotes back in return as he jumps away to avoid her moves.

Artemis soon appears right next to Kaldur. "mind if I jump in? I've got a bone to pick with Cheshire." She growls subtly.

"Hello Artemis. It's so fascinating to see you again." Cheshire purred as she moved forward and switched out her Sai for her sword. She ran at both Kaldur and Artemis, taking swipes at both of them at once.

Miss M jumped in and levitated Cheshire off the ground before she could strike Artemis and Aqualad. "Not gonna happen Cheshire." She growled.

Aqualad noticing the girls will have Cheshire under control sends out a command through mind-link. "Artemis, Megan, Zatanna. Keep Cheshire busy. Wally, collect Scarlett and get her to safety. Robin and Connor, your with me. We need to locate Sportsmaster before he gets away. Moonari is with him." He commands the team before placing his sabers back onto his back. "Would love to stick around Cheshire, but I believe the girls have you under control. I am more pressing matters to attend with." He mentions before running backwards towards the nearest fire escape.

Artemis grins, she was all too happy with the command from Aqualad, it meant she didn't get to have her father but she could instead face her sister. "Hello to you too Cheshire. It's never amusing to bump into you." She grumps in reply before looking at to Megan to finally thanks her, "Thanks M'Gann."

Kid Flash nodded and ran over, scooping up Scarlett before he raced away with her to a different part of the city close to the Zeta tube so they could get home easier.

Miss M and Zatanna nodded together and Zatanna prepares to cast another spell on Cheshire, summoning the energy she needs from within.

Robin nods and runs after Aqualad, not wanting to loose Moonari either because they were the newest members of her team. They were innocent and he also wanted to know why the League of Shadows wanted them.

Cheshire saw Aqualad and Robin running after her father and pulled out a blowdart filled with snake venom before shooting at Aqualad quickly.

Artemis, who had almost predicted her sisters move quickly jumps in to interfere with the blow dart hurtling towards Aqualad. "Not so fast Cheshire." She simply groans as it hits her shoulder for she missed the deflection. She grimaces as she feels the pain as she stares down her sister.

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