Chapter 12

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A couple of moments later

Phoenix had been hiding among the bushes, Poison Ivy didn't know about her so she wasn't trapped. She lets out a whimper noticing the three team mates being trapped. Fear start to flood her eyes but realizing she is the only chance for the team, the team who took her and Moonari in, she fights back. The fear leaving with confidence taking it's place instead. Taking some deep breaths she channels her energy and allows her hands to flare up with a yellow flame. Phoenix stares down the vines and out of nowhere starts burning them with the flames she is producing. "Leave them alone!" She calls out to the female villain.

Zatanna, Miss Martian and Robin all turn their head to look at her with shock once the vines let them down. They ran over and joined her, Miss M a little weaker due to the fire but she didn't let it show. Not yet anyway. "How, where..... have you always been able to do that?" Robin asked her.

Phoenix bites her lips and suddenly half her confidence leaves her mind again, "yeah-yeah I-I have." She manages to reply to Robin as she stares down Poison Ivy in front of them.

Poison Ivy lets out a cry of distress, "My plants! You have burnt my babies! Now you will pay!" With that Ivy starts to conjure up some more plants to fight off the team mates displayed in front of her.

Robin sent one of his disks at Ivy and it exploded at her feet where more of her "babies" were growing. He wasn't going to let anything stop them from accomplishing their mission. He started running toward the main antenna plant.

Miss Martian and Zatanna were doing what they could to distract Ivy but none of them even considered or remembered that the Joker was in on this as well.

Poison ivy called out. "Sorry Boy Wonder, but I'm putting an end to your little reconnaissance mission." With that, even if he had exploded the babies that were growing at her feet, she starts pulling up more stronger ones and aiming it towards the Boy Wonder at full thrust.

Meanwhile Phoenix had regained her confidence and knew she had to help if they were going to have a chance at beating the threat.

Right where Robin had stepped, a few more vines came out and started trying to get at him. He jumped and did some acrobatic stunts to avoid their reaching grasp. He flipped off the treebranch just as it was destroyed and used two trees to help him reach the ground. He stood for a moment to glare at Ivy as more vines came at him. He ducked and avoided thier powerful thrust.

Miss Martian was flying through the trees as best she could to avoid Ultra Humanite and his massive laser-gun. She camoflauged herself so she wouldn't be seen and vanished once more into the jungle to try and reunite with/help her friends.

Phoenix eyes had flashed purple by now, her whole arms lighting on fire as she throws some fire balls towards Poison Ivy. Her will to want to help the team fierce in her mind.

Meanwhile, Aqualad had just awoken to find himself within a golden cage created by Wotan. Wotan was flying ahead with control of the cage, Count Vertigo was standing upon the cage and Black Atom was underneath it lifting it through the sky. Aqualad could hear the injustice member speaking amongst themselves.

"They awaken. Your certain that this will hold them." Asks the mighty Count Vertigo.

"The cage is impenetrable, even the Superboy has no chance of escape." Replied Wotan with a devious smirk as he flies through the air.

Aqualad growls, "you are not the only one trained in the mystic arts Wotan!" At that being said, his arms light up with swirls of blue as he grasps onto the golden bars transferring energy in order to break them. Electric energy flying everywhere before Aqualad starts to smoke and gives a groan giving up.

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