Chapter 11

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Few more days later

The team is in the common area huddled around the holo-projector as Batman explains a new mission for the team.

Moonari was standing in the hall but in the shadows, listening and doing her best to not be seen.

Scarlett was standing out of the shadows, being a little more present then Moonari but still keeping her distance. She had grown to try her best to get to know the boys, being a little more adventurous then Moonari.

"What do you think is going on Scarlett?" Moonari whispered to her.

Scarlett turns around and faces Moonari. "They are planning for a mission Batman has given them. Something about a recon mission to stake out this facility where this team, the injustice league or something, are hot spotting the growth of plant creatures around the world." She relays the given information to Moonari.

Moonari looked out at them and at the strange magician man as he pulled up the source of where the plants is coming from. "You're not thinking about asking if you can go? Are you? Because you know I can't fly and I won't be of any help." She reminded and grabbed Scarlett's hand. "Please, don't go." She begged.

Scarlett flicks her gaze at the meeting once more before looking back to Moonari. "I'll be honest, I was thinking of it... thinking of asking if I could go as I have been training... But, I won't, you mean a lot more to me and I would never leave you alone." She smiled as she tightly squeezed Moonie's hand.

Moonari sighed and smiled, her face showing just how grateful she was that Scarlett wasn't going. "Thank you Scar. You have no idea how much that means to me to hear you say that." She told her and relaxed as if a big weight of dread had been hanging over her shoulders and it was finally lifted.

Scarlett smiled happily for Moonari. "Of course Moonie. You mean the world to me and I would never leave you alone." Afterwards she gave Moonari a hug just to show how true it was.

Kaldur who had been listening to the debriefing turns to the two girls at the back at the moment Scarlett had confirmed she wouldn't go on the mission. "Hey Scar, we have been discussing and it would be cool if you joined us on this mission." He calls out to her.

Moonari pulled back, terrified, and looked at her. "I-if y-you want to go, I-I won't stop you." She stuttered and lowered her head. She wouldn't blame her if she wanted to go. After all, she was well enough to and had an invite from the team to actually join them. Moonari wasn't ready and hadn't been training with the team like Scarlett had been learning to plus her messed up wing would make her a liability.

Megan looked over at Scarlett and smiled reassuringly at her. She would love to see this girl in action since she had more training experience now.

Scarlett bites her tongue for a moment. She doesn't know what to say; she's caught in the middle of two decisions. She wants to stay and keep Moonari company but then, she just got an invite from the team to help them on their mission which has been something she's been thinking of. She's lost which causes her to stutter out, "I-uh-I-uh-I don't-I don't know."

Kaldur puts a hand to his chin as he analyses Scarletts response, he could of sworn this girl would of been excited to want to join but then that's when he notices Moonari and slightly frowns. "Interesting."

"Go. I-I'll be fine. This is what you've wanted." Moonari told her and tried to smile for her to show her how she supported her and that it was okay to go. She just wished that she could go with. Only problem was, the boys would be there and she honestly didn't know for certain if she could do it.

Megan noticed her hesitance and glanced over at Robin and Batman. She bit her lower lip slightly.

"Scarlett, this was only if you want to go but we need your answer soon because we leave in about 15 minutes to start heading toward the source." Robin informed, stepping forward.

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