Chapter 13

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Fate was now in the spot where Aqualad had once stood, his figure showing immense power and a new strength to win the fight the protégés had found themselves in. Fate flew up to Wotan to face off with him in a magic duel. "Wotan. You are mine." He told the dark sorcerer and held up both fists at his side as they hovered in the air above the battlefield.

Wotan started the battle by shooting orange beams from his hands at Fate but the Lord of Order used the amulet attached to his armor to shoot a golden beam through the orange beams. This hit Wotan sending him across the sky to which he collides against the circular compound. When the beam stopped, it became chains that held the sorcerer in place so he couldn't move.

Robin was on the ground recovering as the Joker stepped over to him. "Wonder boy, you are mine." He said in a mockery of Fate's voice before laughing like the maniac he is. He held up a switchblade before taking swipes at Robin to hit him as the young acrobat handspringed away from him. "Always wanted to carve this bird." He said lowly, never loosing the maniacal grin and laugh nor the look in his eyes.

Joker charges once more at Robin with two switchblades out now.

Wotan speaks Latin to cast a spell, "Solvo quod reverto." To which breaks the constructed chains Fate had been using to hold him down before he attempted to use the chains back agianst their creator.

Fate conjured a shield/portal gateway in the shape of his golden symbol to protect himself and get rid of the chains so they couldn't chain him up.

"Wotan has prepared for your return doctor." The dark sorcerer informed before summoning two orange balls of light in his hands and flying directly at the lord of order. He chanted "Fulmina Venite" which shoots beams directly through the shield, shattering it, and hitting Fate off-balance for a moment.

Fate makes a quick recovery though and flew back up to face Wotan again.

Miss Martian was flying through the jungle with Poison Ivy's vines following and trying to hit her but she was in camo.

"I can't see you Martian, but perhaps I'll hear you scream." Poison Ivy said with that determined look in her eyes.

Vertigo came up beside her. "And perhaps I can be of some assistance." He informed before using his Vertigo waves to reveal where Miss M was so Ivy could hit her out of the sky.

It took M'Gann by surprise and she started to fall with a scream before Wally raced in and knocked Vertigo off-balance and tore his cape in the process.

Artemis jumped down from nowhere and kicked Vertigo in the face, sending the man flying into Ivy and knocking them both down into the gloomy water of the swamp.

Kid Flash raced back and leaned against a tree as Artemis came running over and grabbed the green fabric from the speedster. "Hey! That's my souveneir." He complained to her.

Artemis just gave him an annoyed look. "Hold still." She mentions before tying him a makeshift sling to keep his arm in place. That's when Wolf was flung against her and she goes sprawling in the mud with a groan.

Kid Flash could do nothing but watch in shock for a moment. "Artemis!" He exclaimed before Ultra Humanite came over, throwing a punch at him. Kid Flash ducked and started to run away so he wouldn't be pounded into the ground.

Up above, Wotan kept firing beams at Fate who kept dodging out of the way. "Surrender sorcerer. You have no hope to defeat a Lord of Order." Fate ordered before making his usual ankh construct down to hit Wotan.

Instead, Wotan absorbed it and teleported behind Fate, using his own spell against him. Fate was thrown once more off-balance. "I can defeat you and I will!" Wotan called to Fate.

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