Chapter 1

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Several years later

Being locked in cages for years on end had done a number on the two girls. A winged girl who had been given no name, had started to call herself Moonari because of the glow that came from her wings when moonbeams hit them. She had brown hair and green eyes while unknowingly looking exactly like Hawkwoman except for the color of her wings.

The other was a girl by the name of Scarlett. She herself had caramel hair that was always braided to the side and the brightest opal eyes. Her name came from a memory of her brief childhood. Scarlett's  mother would sparkle a bright crimson red that reminded her of a Scarlett jewel. It being one of her fondest and only memories of her family; a family she never got to experience; decided to take upon the name of Scarlett.

Moonari looked over at Scarlett. "You good on the plan then?" she asked quietly as to not be overheard by the scientists. They had been planning to escape for ages, Moonari planning to use one of her feathers to pick the lock on the collar that kept Scarlett's powers locked away.

Scarlett looks up to the Moonari from the corner of her cell, and gives a gentle nod, "you know I am. Escape attempt 240, we will be fine." She tries to chuck a slight joke as she sighs. Scarlett crawls over towards Moonari and looks out of the cage, "we are clear." She informs as she naturally scratches at the collar confined around her neck.

"243 actually." Moonari corrected as she reached out with her feather and started to pick the lock on the collar around Scarlett's neck. "Come on, come on." she whispered as she worked on unlocking the collar. After a beat, it clicked and the lights turned off as the collar became unlocked. "It worked." she said excitedly. "Let's hurry and get out of here. Set a fire and this whole place should come down." she said quickly.

Scarlett rolls her eyes but only jokingly as she stretches her neck for what feels like forever, "damn it feels good." With that, from the practice she has been able to learn, a small purple flame ignites in her hand. Placing both hands on the bars, she melts them with heat she is producing. A smirk can't help but form on her face, "but this time, our escape plan will work." She nods feeling all to confident with their plan.

Moonari nodded, looking forward to being able to stretch her wings since forever in the wide open and fresh air. "Then let's blow this popsicle stand and get out of here before something else goes wrong or someone sees us working together to escape." she said and stepped away from the bars of her cage so Scarlett could get her out faster than she could pick the lock with a feather.

Scarlett now puts her hands onto Moonari cell bars and melts them with ease, "they will regret allowing me to have subtle practice." She chuckles before quickly covering her mouth realising she made a slightly louder noice. She now sneaks out and down the corridor, not waiting for Moonari as she does lookout. There is no one so she glances back and gives a simple hand gesture they had agreed on which meant clear.

Moonari sneaked out of her cage, her longer flight feathers dragging on the ground as she approached the door. "Let's hope that this is the last time we have to be put in cages." she whispers quietly before racing ahead on light feet to check ahead now. She used the same signal after a moment.

Scarlett catches up to Moonari light on her own feet as well, "I do agree. I'm seriously going to crack it soon." She mumbles before honestly adding, "Well again anyway." Taking the lead, Scarlett hopes they are heading the correct direction to the exit, seeming they had never seen the exit before. Her excitement boils in her stomach with hope at the idea of freedom but of course they are unknown to being watched.

"Do not let them escape! We need to finish up with them so they can be controlled!" the head scientist called from the monitor room to the guards. "The Light would never forgive me if they escaped and I didn't stop it." he muttered the last sentence to himself. He continued watching the girls progress through the cameras and every step they took continued to make his heart race.

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