Chapter 10

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Couple days later

Scarlett had been watching the team lately when they trained due to her curiosity being spiked. She wonders if they had noticed or not because she was always gone before they had finished. One day she looks to Moonari, with that all to famous expression on face that she had an idea. "Hey Moonari." She calls out to her sister in the medical bay.

"Oh no. I know that look. What do you have in mind? What are you thinking?" Moonari saw the look. The look she both hated and loved at the same time. "Please tell me you're not going to do something dumb." She begged.

Scarlett lets out a chuckle, "I wouldn't call it dumb." She replies back before explaining herself, "I was thinking... you know how I've been watching the team lately?... well I've been thinking, I want to train too. I want to learn how to protect myself without any abilities..." She pauses after that comment before adding, "not like they know I have any abilities yet."

"I know they don't know but....I do think that is a great idea. I know you don't know how to fight and I'm not a good teacher." Moonari smiled at her, supporting the entire idea. "Maybe.....maybe I could start working on my moves too. It's been so long." She sighed softly.

Scarlett smilies sweetly. "Yay! I'm so glad you support it Moonie." She exclaims happily before adding, "I just don't want to be that weak girl I normally am. The one back in the labs, I really want to live my own life now Moonie and the first step is knowing how to defend myself." She starts to ramble slightly towards the end.

"Go and talk with Canary about it. I don't know if I'm ready just yet and I also can't exactly do much with my wing how it is right now. Granted I believe that it's almost healed but I don't know for sure." Moonari encouraged her.

Scarlett nods. "Alright Moonari! I will. Should I ask her now?" She inquires her sister.

"If they're still training, then yeah. You could join in. If you join in, I'll come out and watch." Moonari smiled at her and supported her all the way.

Scarlett beams. "It is training time currently for them so let's go." She motioned towards the door before adding "I appreciate you supporting me Moonari."

Moonari wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "Of course." She smiled and walked with her to the door before opening it and taking a step outside. "Whenever you're ready." She whispers.

Scarlett takes a breath and nods before walking towards the training room where the team would be. Upon getting closer she glances back to Moonari. "Are you going to be alright watching? Being so close to the men?" She inquires.

"A-as long as they don't come close, I-I think I'll be fine." Moonari responded to her nervously, only showing in her voice and her body posture but otherwise was mostly hidden.

Scarlett nods. "If it gets to much, don't feel bad if you have to leave then Moonie. I will understand why." Scarlett supports Moonari before looking to the door of the training room that was opened like usual.

"I want to be supportive of you just like you have been for me. You know that as much as I do. I think I'll just stand back in the corner and watch." Moonari murmured as they approached and she got slightly more nervous.

Canary could hear voices outside the door and approached it, looking out at them. "Hello girls. Can I help you?" She asked the two.

Scarlett grows slightly nervous but taking a breath and creating a firm stance, she looks up to Canary, "I-I would like to join in with training... please." At the end she squints her eyes in slight nervousness she would get growled at or something but that was her own fear showing through.

Canary smiled. "Alright. Hey, I'm not mad. I'm actually glad you decided to speak up about wanting to join us." She told her when she could see the fear and nervousness about such a forward question. She held out her hand to Scarlett so she could bring the two inside the training room. Canary looked over at Moonari. "Are you going to join in with us too?" She asked.

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