Chapter 5

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In another area of the country...

A man - one unlike any other - shrouded in shadow and mystery, learned of the destroyed lab where he had sent his little dove for punishment and better attitude adjustments. He clenched his fist and stood up angrily from his throne. "It's time to contact my partners." he muttered lowly before going into his private room to turn on the monitors enabling him to talk to his partners in the Light.

Vandal savage - the leader of the light with his gruff expression, black facial hair and three claw marks right across his face - appears in the center screen. The rest of the Light members appearing next to him in a curve. His face is clear instead of static seeing that no new people where present as he greets Ghul. "You called a meeting Ghul?" He questions roughly.

Ra'az al Ghul nodded his head once. "The clone we had made in CADMUS that was going to be under my control has escaped from the lab I sent her to with that other girl; The girl that Bee is looking to get her claws into. Both of them were taken from the lab by the children the Justice League has put together. Apparently the lab itself blew up giving them that opportunity." he informed them.

"I heard the same Ghul and I want nothing more than to get my little thrall back. Much like you do your little dove I presume." Bee guessed.

"Indeed. I am hiring Cheshire and Sportsmaster to track and bring back the clone but I need her programmed with commands this time." Ghul added.

Vandal nods listening to all of this. Addressing this next statement he looks directly at the screen containing Lex Luther. "Now Lex, what do you have to say in this basis? After all the CADMUS labs we entrusted the experiment and clone too is owned by you." He questions gruffly.

Lex Luther takes a breath before replying in his deep voice, his hand slinking to his tie as he straightens it. "I myself had no understanding of this incident until recently, when my informers finally decided to tell me of the incident. From what has been said, the girl without the wings, subject 56 Queen Bee," he refers to Queen Bee project before continuing, "had escaped alongside the dove. They were captured and returned back to their place after punishment but somehow, one of the small sparks from subject 56 managed to ignite something flammable and blew the place up."

Ghul huffed. "Queen Bee, you certainly picked a difficult one to control." he told her seriously. "You should also have her cloned just to get some type of control over her." he stated.

"Oh please. I do not require a copy of anything or anyone. That's what I have Psimon for." Bee told him quickly.

Manta hummed in thought. "You two need to keep things together and straight." he told them both quickly.

Lex snorts. "You would of been happy to know that there training was coming along nicely. And the programming Ghul, it is indeed much more difficult then it seems. You both seriously had to pick the wildfires," he honestly comments before Vandal interrupts.

Vandal frowns and interrupts Lex, "Ghul and Queen Bee, you both need to control those girls before we are lead to permanently terminate both of the projects. Which would be quite a sad tragedy, after all the clone is strong and subject 56, well it is still interesting we managed to steal her away from her family." He, like the maniac he is, chuckles loudly before continuing. "It was your plan to clone hawk women Ghul, so keep to your plan. And Queen Bee, you choose to be in charge of Subject 56 when we took her, so ensure you also get her under your control." He orders.

"Fine." Ghul agreed, not needing another intervention between them. "I will get her back under my control as soon as she is brought back to me." he stated.

Bee nodded. "I will have Psimon put her under his control and my orders are the only one's she'll follow." she stated to the others.

Vandal Savage finally nods with approval. "That sounds like the options we were looking for. Now what are your plans to retrieve the girls? If it is true they are with the mini league, you'll need the best infiltration possible to scope them out." He questions with a raised eyebrow.

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