Chapter 4

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Artemis takes a gentle step forward towards the girls embraced in a hug. In a calming gentle voice, unlike her normal gruff voice, she talks to the two girls. "Hey there. My name is Artemis, I mean no harm to you both. What are your names?"

Moonari pulled back from the hug and spread her one not broken wing with narrowed eyes. "What did I say?! One. Step. More. And it'll be the last thing you ever do." she threatened but her eyes gave away that she wouldn't really do it. She was just terrified of them as she winces from the pain in her broken wing.

"Artemis, stop." Zatanna called softly and held her wrist. "We can't just approach them in this state." she said and pulled her friend back to her side.

Scarlett whimpers from behind Moonari to gain her attention. "My stomach hurts," she winces feeling where she was given stitches.

Artemis sighs and looks away. "Sorry Zatanna, I just thought I could at least try to make a small connection" she simply explains the truth to her motives.

Moonari turned and looked at her. "Shhh. I know it does. It should stop soon though. Hopefully." she muttered the last word to herself since she had heard something about pain killers.

"I know Artemis but we don't know what will set them off yet. Any movements and we could be pinned under her." Zatanna said and motioned with her head toward Moonari. "We can't chance anything so we could just start asking our questions from here."

Artemis gently nods just agreeing with Zatanna. "Alright, I trust you. You've always have been better at these situations then I have." She glances at the girls before sitting on the bed just behind her that Moonari was on before rushing to Scarletts side.

Scarlett grits her teeth to prevent a groan from slipping out. "It really hurts through. What-what happened Sis?" She questions as her hand slides towards where her wound was covered and patched up.

Moonari shook her head. "I wish I knew. I was already passed out when the whole place came crashing down around us. I only remember waking up briefly and seeing everything was fuzzy... My wing was also crushed but then I was out again." she explains briefly.

Zatanna looks at them. "Our team pulled you two out of the rubble and helped patch you up. You're in good hands here. We have nothing to do with the lab you guys were in." she tried to explain gently and held up her hands. "I promise."

Scarlett slightly tilts her head. "Do-does that mean we aren't in the labs anymore?" She barely whispers slightly afraid to speak up to the foreign girls she has finally noticed in front of them. She speaks a little more clearer as she asks Moonari this next question. "Are you alright? Your-your saying that the lab collapsed?"

Zatanna shakes her head in response to the question asked of her. "No. You two are no longer in those labs or the cages that the people left you in." she informed.

Moonari glanced at Zatanna, still a bit wary before she answered Scarlett. "The lab collapsed... though from how? I do not know. But the only thing that hurts now is my wing." she finished answering and showed her the wing splint that kept her wing in place firmly onto her back.

Scarlett slightly gasps seeing Moonari broken wing. "Your-your wing, but but how will you fly." She asks already knowing the answer; she won't be able to. "At least we aren't in the la-labs."

Artemis decides to ask a question, the one she asked earlier again. "So what would your names be?" She had noticed on Scarlett clothing a small number on her right breast, it said 'subject 56' but the subject wording was fairly faded. "We can't call you 56."

Moonari growled at the reference to what they had called her sister in the labs. "Say that one more time. I dare you." she challenged, glaring at Artemis before turning her attention to Zatanna. "I was never given a name but I have given myself the name Moonari." she informed. She didn't give out her sister's name because she didn't know if she wanted to tell them her real name.

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