Chapter 18

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An hour later...

Artemis wakes up with a gasp, she was completely tied to a chair with rope around her bust, her belly and her lower legs, in a dark gloomy room full of animal sculptures and stuffings. Groaning she tries to break free, but finds the binding way to strong. That's when Harms deep mysterious voice calls out and she tries to look around for him. "It reigns to awaken." Taking a deep breath, she notices the TV in front of her turn on with static before coming clear. That's when she notices what is being displayed on the screen as her eyes go wide.

Zatanna sat in a chair of her own, tied on her own chair like Artemis was, struggling against her bindings with tape over her mouth so she couldn't speak. Moonari was still out on the ground with her wings bound to her back, wrists tied behind her, and ankles bound together. Zatanna kept trying to mumble spells but she couldn't break free yet. A crossbow was also pointed right at Zatanna, staring her directly in the face, about 2 meters away. Up above Moonari was a knife that was held by a rope with an axe positioned to cut it at the press of a button.

Artemis gasps again slightly, seeing Moonari and Zatanna in a troublesome position. She doesn't take her eyes of the screen as she accesses everything before Harm speaks up again.

"It will tell Harm it's secrets or it's partners will pay the price." He walks forward with a creep of the floor and places his head behind Artemis. He menacingly whispers the next comment into her ears, "How did it know of Harm's home?" Before walking away and around Artemis to stand in front of her between the TV and her.

Artemis grits her teeth before biting back. "Ask your partner! She lured as here!" She exclaims angrily.

Harm shakes his head. "Harm has no partner. Harm is pure and works alone." He mutters strongly staring Artemis in the head.

Meanwhile, unknown to Harm for he had his back turned, on the TV screen Zatanna was trying to cast the spell to get herself free but the tape muffled her words. She saw the girl come over to her and leaned back to try and get away from her only for the girl to take off the tape. "Ow!" She hissed under her breath before getting the ropes off herself and Moonari.

Moonari groaned and sat up, putting a hand to her head. "Ugh....what happened? Where are we?" She asked before she was shushed by Zatanna putting a hand over her mouth. She nodded and got up, shaking the tight feeling off from her wings.

Zatanna looked at the girl. "What's your game? First you help us, then you lead up to your partner's hideout to be captured, and then you help me." She demanded.

"Secret." The girl simply said, looking behind Zatanna over to the bedside table and the bed.

Harm starts to pace backwards and forwards in front of Artemis. "It seems honestly convinced Harm had help. Perhaps the other 'It's' will share with me." He mutters before glancing at the TV and silently gasping. His eyes widening as he notices Zatanna and Moonari both wondering around freely within the room. Growling he runs out the door, across the hallway into the room Zatanna and Moonari is in. He instantly draws his sword. "How did 'Its' break free?!" He growls charging towards her before slashing at her, for it to only disperse like a shadow. "Where are they?" He rages.

Zatanna had taken one look around the room and then outside before she teleported herself and Moonari out of the room, leaving a shadow in their place. They sneaked back inside to free Artemis and to figure more out about this 'Harm' person.

Moonari felt that something else was off about this man and she wanted to know why in order to help her friends finish him.

Artemis groans as she looks up, spotting the two girls. "Zatanna. Silverfeather." She simply mentions. She was still tied up in the chair and waiting to be freed with either girls help as she gazes between them both.

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