A Cure

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Gumball POV

It had been three weeks since I started my research on Raven's illness. The illness is in her liver. It is basicly eating away at it. There are many health books about humans with this condition from before the Mushroom War, but Candy people have very different anatomies. The only cure I can find is so dangerous. Would it even be worth trying?

Tini arrived at my lab exactly when I asked her to come. She looked nerous and worried and exactly how I felt about what I was about to tell her.

"So what have you come up with? Is there a way to save her?" She asked quickly, obviously trying to stay calm.

"Yes, but it is very dangerous. It means us taking Raven's liver out and replacing it with part of someone with similar anatomy's. The best canadate would be Rose, since their sisters. But this is very dangerous for both of them, though mostly Rose." Tini kept her eyes looking right into mine the whole time listening to every word. When I was done she looked to the ground and was silent for a second.

"You have to tell her. You have to tell Rose. I know Raven will not like it, but I also know Rose will never forgive herself if she doesn't try. You have to tell her." I looked into her eyes. She was completely sure. There was no changing her mind. She was most likely right. She is probably the best to ask anyways since she has a younger sibling of her own.

"I will. We both can. Well meet with Rose and Raven and see what they think. I think you're right, though. I think Rose will convince Raven to go through with it." I said. She smiled slightly then hugged me resting her head on my shouler. I hugged her back and started to mess with one of her strands of long dark brown hair.

Her hair was so pretty. It went down to her waist and curled at the bottom. Around her face the hair was shorter and curved around her round face. Her hair was very thick and super soft. It felt like, well, really soft hair. Her dark hair make her pale face seem completely white and her dark eyes look black.

"This will all work out." Tini whispered. "I know this will all work out."

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