What's Up

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Tini POV

When I woke up, Gumball was already awake and putting the last few touches his outfit. When He saw I was awake he walked to me and greeted me with a kiss. I sat up and looked around the room. I had stayed the night at Gumball's castle because.... oh yeah. I slept over because I didn't want to go home. I was too sad. I didn't want to believe that my memories of yesterday were not a dream, but I knew they were real. I knew that Raven was sick. I knew she wasn't going to be around for long. I knew it wasn't right or fair. And I knew Gumball was going to stop it.

I stood up and got changed into white shorts and a flowy orange tank top.

"Marshall invited me over today." I said walking over to the window.

"K. Love you." Gumball said heading towards the door.

"Love you too." I said then flew out the window.

It took about five minutes for me to fly from the Candy Kingdom to Marshall's place. When I arrived I was flooded with memories of playing, cooking, adventuring.

I pushed the feelings aside and entered the tree house.

"Marshall! I'm here!" I called out. I walked to the living room and found him laying upside down on the couch. There wasn't much here. Marshall didn't really own much in the first place.

I walked to the couch and sat upside down next to him.

"So... What's up with you?" I ask hoping there was something to talk about to get my mind off of Raven.

"Ashley and I broke up." He said a little sad and a little hesitant, knowing what I would say next.

"Told you so, but why did you guys finally brake up?"

"She sold Hambo. To a witch."

"That bitch!" I yell leaning on my elbow. I knew Marshall was probably really upset. I mean, Hambo, was like, his favorite thing ever.

"Yeah. So what's going on with you?" He asked, turning his head to face me. I took a deep breath and thought. My mind went through what had happened since last time we talked. As I did nothing really stuck out except Raven. I wanted to tell him, but I also wanted it to be false. I wanted this all to be a dream. But it wasn't. Raven was dying and I couldn't do anything.

"There's this girl. Her name is Raven. She lives at the Candy hospital. She has this sickness and the last time I visited her we learned she is dying. They say she'll be gone in a month." I said trying not to cry.

"Ugh, you win. You always beat me at everything. Even who's week was shitier. Is Gumball going to do something about it." I giggle a little but it doesn't last long.

"He's trying. I don't know though. Even if he does find a cure, won't it already be to late?"

"Maybe, but even if it is to late, that means the next time someone gets sick like her, they'll have a chance." Marshall said making me feel a little better.

"Okay let's change the subject." Marshall insisted, "So you and Gumwad were already together when you told me right?" I thought for a second, it was a while ago. In my head I cauculated the time since he first kissed me, which I'm not very good at.

"Umm.... I think I told you three weeks after we first kissed." I said pretty confident in my math.

"Three weeks? You waited three weeks to tell me you to were together?" He said obviously annoyed.

"Well... Yeah. Are you mad?"

"I guess not. Well, I am a little annoyed still that you like that twat, but not really mad." He said with a sigh.

"Oh you're to kind, Marshall Lee." I said my voice dripping with sarcasim.

"I know, I know. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to be this nice all the time, you know."

"I'm sure it is." I said with a sarcastic smile.

We continued to talk about this and that. From the kids at the hospital to Favorite constellations. Mine is Lyra, the harp.

Eventually I had to go home. We hugged goodbye then I flew away. As I flew I thought. I thought about Raven. I thought about how much fun it is to just talk to Marshall. How much I love Gumball and just know he's going to do everything in his power to help Raven. I knew that everything was going to be ok.

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