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Gumball POV

I peered through the door hoping not to be noticed. Tini and Marshall were talking and laughing.

I don't understand how she got hurt. She should have been fine... Unless... Crap... I'm a freaking idiot. I should have checked if her heart was stable. I knew it might slow her heart a little but that was off my information for a candy person. I should have checked her heart to see if it would be effected the same way.

I should just let it go. Tini would get mad if I stayed feeling sorry forever.

I looked back to Tini and Marshall just in time to see Marshall coming towards the door to leave. I quickly looked around and saw a room with the door wide open. I ran into the room to see a little girl sitting in a bed looking at me like I was crazy. I put my finger to my mouth to keep her quiet and looked through the cracked door and watched Marshall float pass and exit.

I slowly stepped outside the door making sure no one saw me. I looked back at the girl in the bed just for a second, to see her shaking her head and laying down.

I slowly walk to Tini's room. I stand on the doorway and she immediately noticed me. She waved to me so I came closer.

"I noticed you starting at me and Marshall earlier." She said bluntly as I sat on the same place Marshall had day on.

"Did he threaten you?" Tini asked worriedly.

"No, no. He never threatened me." I said as convincing as I could be.

"You're terrible at lying. I'm sorry. I don't know why his so protective. I'm the older one. I, I'm the one who took care of him when we were little." Tini and Marshall were so close. They were always there for each other. Like brother and sister. Like me and Ana used to be....

"He cars about you. There's nothing wrong with that." I said trying to make her feel better. She gave a slight smile then turned her head to the window. I could tell she was upset about something, but I also know she'll talk about if she wants to and trying to get her to talk is a waste of time.

I looked out the widow. There were children playing hop scotch and jump rope on the playground behind the school. There was a young couple sitting on a park bench. They were holding hands and laughing. They were cute.

"I'm so jealous of them." Tini muttered under her breath just clear enough for me to understand.

"Hmm." I asked. Tini wasn't the type of girl to romanticize at first look, though deep down I know she was the type who wanted to fall in love.

"What?" She looked at me confusion on her face.

"What, what?" I say back trying to ignore her earlier remark about being jealous.

"You said 'Hmm.' Why?"


"Ugh. You heard me say that thing about being jealous." I slightly nodded and she sighed again. She then leaned forward and hugged me. "I'm really glad you came in to see me, even though Marshall probably threatened you and... well anyways, thank you." She said leaning against me.

"You're welcome." I whispered wrapping my arm around her.

Tini POV

I had fallen asleep in his arms. We rested there for about half an hour, until he got a call on his hallo pendent and had to leave, reminding me that as soon as I get out to let him know.

It's so weird. Before Ana left I never hung out with my friends. Not even Marshall and he's like a brother to me. But when she left out made me relive how little time I spend with them.

Before Ana left she told me she wasn't planning on keeping in contact with anyone. Except me. Now we write letters and tell each other about everything that's going on. Ana lives in a small apartment in a town about an hour outside of Aaa. She says it's a good neighborhood, with good neighbors and she has a job at a hair stylist in a small salon across the street from her apartment. She seems happy, but it's kinda hard to tell in writing.

Dear Ana,

You'll never believe what happened. So I was with gimbal in his lab and he had just finished making this pill to make people invincible, and I showed up so he had me try it. So I did and at first I was fine just a little woozy but thirty seconds later I was out! When I first blacked out, I felt like I was asleep, then, suddenly, I felt like I was yanked out of my own body and then nothing. I saw nothing, I felt nothing. then a minute later I was yanked back and I was awake. I started to cry I was so happy. Marshall told me the doc said I was dead. Like gone. It was so scary.


I read over the paper. I took a deep breath and crumpled it up. Like Ana wants to hear my sob stories.

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