Belphegor X Reader III

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


To describe your character, you are a typical student that did not stand out in school. You studied as much as the average student and had to work hard to obtain an acceptable grade. If you wished, you could secure a higher rank. But, by doing so, you would have to sacrifice your social life and decent amount of sleep. Giving up midway would ruin you, so you were content in being an average girl.

On the other hand, a certain demon was not so keen in keeping up with appearances. To him, receiving a decent remark was walk in the park while you had to study your butt of.

"MC." You flinched when the teacher called you out sternly. "Wake up your seatmate."

Quickly, you shook your neighbor, Belphegor, who was sleeping on his desk comfortably. Thankfully, he regained consciousness after a couple of nudges.

It had already been a month since he arrived in the human realm and you were having doubts whether it was the right choice to send Belphegor for the student exchange program. At first, you were wary about welcoming him here, judging by his past experiences with humans. Nevertheless, Belphegor showed that he had changed and would behave himself. Well, it was good that he had no plans of destroying the human realm. However, proper conduct also included not sleeping in class.

This isn't good. I'm the one who recommended him to the council because Belphie begged me for it. But, if this goes on, I will lose credibility for making recommendations concerning Devildom affairs. I can't send him back anymore because that will make me lose face. I should whip him up to shape.

You faced Belphegor by the time lunch break rolled in. "Belphie, we need to talk."

Before replying, he let out a huge yawn while rubbing his eyelids. Because of this, his words were quite slurred. "What is it?"

Honestly, his actions were quite adorable, but you had to guide him with an iron fist. Even with Lucifer, Belphegor had no problems disobeying him and acting out. You had to make sure he would follow you willingly without having to use the demon pact. I'd hate forcing him against his will. Hopefully, he won't raise any objections.

"Tell me, Belphie. How many hours of sleep do you take since you came here?"

"I'm not sure. I guess about 10 hours."

Wow. He actually gets the right amount of sleep. I'd kill to get that many hours of sleep without feeling guilty about it.

Unsatisfied by this world's unfairness, you unleashed your scolding on Belphegor. "If you get that much sleep, how come you always arrive here at the nick of time? Technically, you're not late but this could become a bad habit. You should be here, at least 15 minutes ahead of time. Your dorm isn't even far from here. Also, if you get 10 hours of sleep, then you shouldn't even be napping in class."

Based on his reactions, Belphegor became uninterested halfway through your nagging and stopped listening altogether. Having enough, he cut in. "I'm not a morning person. Even if I get the right amount of sleep, I still feel sluggish whenever I wake up. Besides, I'm the Avatar of Sloth so I'm far lazier than the laziest creature. It's not like I can be as energetic as Asmodeus."

With a knowing grin, you proudly announced. "Not to worry, Avatar of Sloth. That's about to change."

"Excuse me?"


"Huh? You didn't come here so we could mess around in bed?"

"No." You asserted firmly while holding out a History textbook. "I'm here so we could study together."

"Is this what you meant by reforming me as a student? I thought you were kidding." Seeing that his anticipated lovey-dovey time with you was a misunderstanding, Belphegor could not help but make a huge pout for not getting his way.

His cute expression tugged at your heartstrings, but your resolve was much stronger. You were determined not to spoil him until he learned his lesson. The reason you were in his bedroom in your precious weekend was so you could study with Belphegor. "Now now. Get off your bed and come over here. We don't got all day."

"Who actually wastes their vacation on studies? The exams are still two months away." He whined but plopped on the seat beside you anyway. "You're way too serious, MC."

"No. It's you who's too lax. Studying ahead of time will be more effective than cramming everything at the last minute."

"What's wrong with that? I can just memorize everything then forget them later on."

"Well, that's not enough. Procrastination only gives you a decent grade. You need to aim higher as the representative of Devildom. That's enough bickering. Let's get to reading."

Belphegor huffed and picked up his textbook. After reading a couple of paragraphs, a series of complaints flew out of his mouth again. "Why did you even pick to study History? You only need to memorize the names and dates. There's no need to study this. More importantly, the details are wrong. The information isn't even accurate."

"What makes you say that? It's not like you were present in this timeline."

"Did you forget? Before Lilith died, I used to visit the human realm all the time."

"That's really interesting. Which information are not correct?"

"If you want to know, I'll tell you while we're in bed."

You glared at the scheming demon before focusing on your book. "No thanks."

"Aw. Will you at least stay the night?"

"I already planned on doing so."

Belphegor was overjoyed by this and finally found the motivation he needed. Unfortunately, that so-called motivation dried out quickly and the sloth slept for the rest of the afternoon. Since he did not accomplish the end of his deal, you cancelled the sleepover to serve as his punishment.

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