Mammon X Reader V

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Hey! Hey! Hey! Mammonie's oneshot is finished. I hope you like it. Next is our sweet little otaku. What animal should MC be?

• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


Beads of sweat cascaded down your forehead and neck as your heart pounded hardly against your chest. Add to that your panting breaths and cramping leg muscles.

You were not exactly the fit and healthy type. You simply avoided any exhausting physical activities. In fact, you mirrored Leviathan's lifestyle by frequently cooping yourself up in your room and avoiding any forms of social contact. Instead of being ashamed, you were rather proud of it. Not until you were thrown into this predicament.

You cursed underneath your breath when you rounded up the corner and was caught by the Avatar of Lust. Shivers ran through your spine upon seeing a creepy grin etched on his face. He took a step closer with his fingers wiggling oddly. "Now now, MC. I won't hurt you. Just let me feel your wool."

You did not hear it wrong. One morning, you shot up awake and discovered you had grown horns, a tail, and wool around your neck. However, the subject of how this came to be was rapidly thrown out the window once you were faced with another problem. Due to your soft qualities, the brothers were mesmerized and could not stop feeling you up. Your anxiety was through the roof and did your best to escape their grasp.

Not thinking twice, you spun on your heel and broke off into a sprint away from Asmodeus. Out of all the siblings, he was the worst and most difficult to shake off. The soles of your feet were aching from all the running but your instincts were screaming at you to get away from the predator. Not only is it caused by your sheep personality but because of your strong dislike of being touched.

Your ears perked up when a gray mop of hair entered your sight. In a heartbeat, you dove into Mammon's arms and looked up to him with teary eyes. The demon was frozen in the spot, hypnotized by your gleaming and moist eyes. He was knocked back into reality when you pleaded in a soft voice. "H-help me."

Unfathomable emotions swirled in his sapphire orbs; so fast, you barely saw it. His features hardened when he looked up then pushed you behind him protectively. "What do you think you're doing, Asmo?"

"Don't be a downer, Mammon. I just want to hug MC. She's so cute that I just want to gobble her up." You flinched when the Avatar of Lust sent you a ferocious glare, contrasting his innocent and playful face.

"Don't you dare, Asmodeus." Mammon warned, aggression clear in his tone. "I'm her first man, so only I get to touch her."

Worried that he might lunge at his brother, both of your hands gripped his arms. Hopefully, it was enough to prevent him from attacking mindlessly.

"Aww, don't be greedy Mammon. Keeping MC all to yourself." Asmodeus groaned but it was enough for him to back off. You released a huge sigh of relief.

"Deal with it." were Mammon's final words before guiding you, away from the pervert.

Thereafter, you reached his bedroom. Mammon gently led you to a couch and swiftly draped your shoulders with a blanket. You pulled its edges closer and muttered a thank you. Careful not to frighten you, the demon settled on the other side of the sofa, giving you some space.

It was clear that he was clueless on how to deal with you, based on how he fiddled with his fingers. From your peripheral vision, you could feel him glancing at you every now and then. After a solid minute, he coughed then inquired. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Just on edge." You replied and plastered a small smile on your face to reassure him.

"You're not hurt?"

You shook your head. Ensuring that you were indeed alright, Mammon relaxed and leaned his head back. "Listen. I'm really sorry about my brothers. And that pervert did not even realize that he went too far. They're scumbags."

You gazed at the repeat offender and real owner of the title. The irony. Subsequently, the demon sensed your stares and queried. "What? You have something to say?"

"Nothing." You bit your lip to prevent your previous thoughts from spilling out. Instead, you blurted out something else that came to mind. "What did you mean by that?"

"By what?"

"You said that you are my first man and that only you could touch me."

By then, Mammon jumped from his seat and became a blubbering mess. "Yo-ou kno-ow...I a-am your gu-uardian s-so o-only I-I g-get t-to be ar-round you."

You tilted your head to side, not quite understanding what he said. Nevertheless, you brushed it off and smiled sheepishly. "I don't know about you being my first man, but I don't mind it if you want to touch me."

The way his head snapped towards you was so quick you wondered if his neck was okay. In a flash, he was sitting next you with an expectant expression on his face. "Are you sure?"

You nodded meekly then turned your body towards him. The demon was chivalrous enough to hesitate a little before accepting your offer. Unconsciously, you intently watched his hand as it reached out, near your face. You pondered if he was going to feel your wool because at the moment, your neck was sensitive.

Once his fingers were merely centimeters away from you, you shut your eyelids tightly in fear of what was to come. Suddenly, a weight dropped on top of your head. On cue, your eyes shot wide open when Mammon softly rubbed your head. As if he was handling a fragile object, his fingers were so light and avoided your horns and sheep ears.

An inexplicable feeling surged deep within you upon witnessing the demon's radiant and joyous aura. Is touching me that great? He's so happy just by patting me. Perhaps, I should let him touch me more often.

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