Beelzebub X Reader II

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


Baking became one of your favorite hobbies lately. It was certainly more difficult than cooking since it required accuracy and consistency. Recently, you had been practicing baking brownies and were set on perfecting the recipe. For you, the brownies already tasted fine, but you were worried if others would find it too sweet. You selected among the demon brothers on who would be your critic. The person must love and had tasted different kinds of sweets. Beelzebub and Asmodeus became the final contenders but Asmodeus was out for the moment, leaving Beelzebub.

With that, you made your way towards the twins' rooms while carrying a tray of newly baked brownies. With your hands full, you were unable to knock on the door, so you hollered. "Hello? Is anyone in there?"

Beelzebub's husky voice resonated from the other side, probably busy with something. "Come in. The door is unlocked."

"I can't. My hands are full."

Beelzebub marched towards the door, his steps heavier than usual. Perhaps, you came at a wrong time. Once the door creaked open, what waited on the other side was Beelzebub who was breathing heavily with a drenched tank top. You watched closely as a drop of sweat trickled from his neck down to his chest. Boy, you did come at the right time. Like you, Beelzebub was delighted to see you with food. He beamed. "Hello MC. Are those for me?"

You averted your eyes away from his torso in shame, speaking timidly. "Yes, I wanted you to have a taste. I baked them myself."

"I appreciate it. Come in." He offered and stepped aside. "Sorry it's a bit hot in here. I was exercising."

"It's fine!" You blurted out and hurried inside, hiding the fact that you were severely affected by his scent that filled the room. You were weak against his pheromones, which were on full blast at the moment.

"You came at the right time, actually." Beelzebub revealed. "I needed the extra weight when I'm doing push-ups. It's more effective that way."

"What do you mean?" You questioned, nervous for some reason.

"I just need you to sit on my back while I'm doing push-ups. Your weight will enhance the work out. Well, if you don't mind my sweaty back."

I'd prefer lying face down either way. You almost replied but shoved it down your throat. No need to show how thirsty you were. Instead, you said. "I don't mind. I'm happy to help."


"So, should I do it now?" You queried, with a hint of anticipation in your voice that went unnoticed by Beelzebub.

"Yeah!" He affirmed and laid face down on the floor, his arms and feet ready for the work out. "Go ahead."

Without missing a beat, you excitedly jumped onto his back. You sat still with your legs crossed then counted with Beelzebub as he did 100 push-ups. By the time he reached 50, you were uncomfortable and were slipping from your position. A mischievous idea popped into your head.

"Sorry, can I change my position? My butt is hurting." You asked pitifully.

"Sure. Just hold on to me."

You took his word and flopped face down onto his back with your arms around chest. It was astonishing how huge his body was compared to yours since there was enough space for another person on his back. Was this the result of eating massively then turning the fat into lean muscle? You mused if you would be crushed easily by those muscles.

After finishing 100 push-ups, Beelzebub was finally done with his daily work out. It was certainly thrilling but all good things must come to an end. Though, your luck had still not run out for the day. All of a sudden, Beelzebub took of his top and wiped his forehead with it. You almost choked on your saliva, ogling at the half naked demon with his exposed chest and stomach.

"I'm going to take a shower. After that, let's eat the brownies." He proclaimed but it only went through your head. You nodded your head slowly, your eyes glued onto his six pack. Once he was out of sight, you began fanning your face due to the heat bubbling inside you. Before Beelzebub returns, you must cool yourself down. It was difficult after going through such an experience.

Fortunately, you pulled yourself together by the time Beelzebub finished washing up. However, you were unprepared for the next scene. Despite being fully clothed, Beelzebub appeared as alluring as ever with damp hair and steam exuding from his body. The demon was already slaying you without even knowing about it.

Crap. This guy is way too hot.

"You know what?" You abruptly announced. "I'm going to take a cold shower too. You can eat all the brownies. Tell me what you think later."

Without hearing his response, you escaped his room and locked yourself in yours. Perhaps, you should have waited for the Avatar of Lust instead and had him taste the brownies. The irony.


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