Satan X Reader III

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


Out of all the demon brothers to send as an exchange student to the human realm, Satan was the most ideal, just behind Lucifer. Satan was the least spontaneous and was educated in proper etiquette. Therefore, it was unnecessary to assign you as his human guide, making your life a little easier. However, you were still reluctant to leave the demon all by himself.

Apart from watching over him, it was also your job to ensure that he was comfortable and enjoyed his stay in the human realm. And that was a duty you planned to fulfill.

One school day, you invited Satan. "Hey, Satan. Are you free this Saturday? I heard there's a newly opened cat cafe nearby. I thought you'd be interested."

Satan grinned then spoke enticingly. "Just the two of us? I'm hoping it is."

"Yes, just the two of us." You shyly admitted. "I thought that you should take a break from studying and go out to have fun. I mean, there's nothing wrong with working hard. But, apart from studying, you should also have a taste of human culture."

"Human culture? I think you mean, how two people would go out dating in the human realm?" Satan pointed out jokingly.

"Well yeah, that's one thing..." You trailed off before blurting out. "Fine! I wanted to go out on a date with you. You happy now?"

"You should've said so from the beginning." Satan chuckled. "I get it, though. We haven't hung out, just the two of us, after I got here."

"Should I take that as a yes?"



Even though this outing should prioritize Satan's happiness, you were the one brimming with excitement. As soon as you woke up, you were already running around in the house early in the morning. After dressing up to perfection, you rushed out the door and arrived at the agreed meet-up point 30 minutes ahead of time.

While you waited, you observed nearby couples that were clearly stuck in their own world. Normally, you would be disgusted and slightly jealous of their public displays of affection. Luckily, those negative emotions were nowhere to be seen. Is this how it feels like to go out with someone? It feels really nice.

Your thought bubble was popped when a strange man approached you out of nowhere. "Hey there, beautiful. Are you here alone? Why don't you come with me? Let's have fun together."

Summoning your most threatening expression, you breathed in and was about to give him an earful. However, before you could throw out your best insults, he turned on his heels and ran away. I didn't know my face was that scary. You were relieved that the disaster was averted and could return to waiting happily for your date. Unfortunately, that was not the end of it. The real reason for the creep's sudden exit was the frightening figure behind you who was Satan in his demon form.

Without meaning to, everyone's eyes were now on him, scared for their lives as well. You hurried over to him, raising both of your hands. "Please calm down, Satan. Let's not make a scene."

Anger was certainly an understatement as Satan announced for everyone else to hear which brought a chill down everybody's spine. "I will only calm down after I find that scum and gouge out his eyeballs. That will teach him a lesson not to look at what's mine."

The Avatar of Wrath was about to show to the world what he was capable of and no one was going to get in his way. This would be somewhat acceptable in the Devildom but definitely not in the human realm. As his human guide, you had to prevent the exchange student from committing a criminal offense.

Despite trembling in fear, you grasped his face and locked your lips onto his. At first, Satan was frozen with his eyes wide open. It took him a few good minutes to relax his clenched jaw and finally respond to your kiss. Your body heated up as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer.

When his hands went dangerously lower, you became conscious of your surroundings and shoved Satan away. Thankfully, he was back to his normal state, seemingly in a brighter mood.

"I didn't know you were so endearing." Satan flirted while smirking, unaffected by the unwanted audience.

With flushed cheeks, you grabbed his hand and dragged him to a more secluded area. On the way, you were scolding yourself mentally. How could I get so lost in the moment that I forgot we were in public? Isn't kissing in front of others worse than flirting? I'm much worse than those stupid couples. I can't show my face there ever again. I hope no one recognized me. This is so embarrassing.

Out of the blue, Satan stopped on his tracks and tugged you towards him. "Where are you taking me, MC? I won't complain if we continue where we left off."

"Hey, don't get the wrong idea. I only did it because you were about to become a criminal." You clarified and shook off his hand.

Satan chuckled and toned down the teasing. "Alright, I got it. Even though I really want to kill the guy, we can't let someone insignificant ruin our date. I'll do it another time."

"Please don't. Just forget about it. Instead, let's go see some cats. You like cats, right?"

"Oh yeah, let's go see some cats." Satan beamed and held your hand again before making your way to the cat cafe.

Luckily, Satan behaved himself for the rest of the day and did not get into any more trouble. For now, he remains second to Lucifer as the most composed and level-headed sibling and he will stay in that position unless he learns to control his temper. There's a reason why he's the fourth eldest among the seven demon brothers.

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