Solomon X Reader II

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


It was past curfew when the wizard sent you a chat message. Solomon was in the mood to go out tonight and dance his heart off. Additionally, he was generous enough to send an invitation so you would not miss out on an exciting event. There was a famous club in town named The Fall. It was a place that Asmodeus and Mammon frequented when partying. And now, you had an opportunity to have that experience. The only hurdle was Lucifer.

The demon warned you of the dangers of the night where there were greater chances of demons attacking. Solomon refuted those exaggerated claims by asserting that Lucifer only made them up to prevent you from going out to have fun without him. Nonetheless, Solomon promised to keep you safe and stay by your side. Still, you expressed your concerns about staying out so late. Hence, Solomon was compelled to provoking you by calling you a chicken for not being able to disobey Lucifer. As a young adult, you were offended by his insults and asserted that no one can order you around. You proved this by sneaking out past curfew to go partying.

While all the demon brothers were deep in slumber, you left your room and tiptoed towards the entryway of the House of Lamentation. Once you reached the lobby, only then did you realize how much trouble you would be in if someone caught you. You thought of backing out but decided to push through since the door was right in front of you. All you had to do was take a step. With one final breath, you puffed out your chest and walked out into the darkness.


Both you and Solomon made a run for it once you found him waiting right outside the House of Lamentation. After successfully sneaking out, you could not afford to be caught now. Ever since you were young, you were educated on not staying out too late, even in the human realm. However, there was something thrilling about breaking the rules and being a bad girl. Or perhaps, this was enjoyable because Solomon was with you. It would be better not to think too hard about it. It was time to have fun.

The Fall was an exclusive club that only allowed members to enter. Both of you lined up and discovered this fact once the bouncer asked for a membership card. Luckily, Solomon whipped out the card given to him by Asmodeus, granting you access.

Inside, you were instantly blinded by the numerous bright spotlights roaming the entire place. Furthermore, the walls vibrated intensely together to the beat of the booming music. What caught your attention was the extensive space filled with party animals located at the center of the club. The movement of their bodies called out to you to come in and join them. Without another thought, you dragged Solomon after you into the dance floor. You let the music and tension to envelope you and control your body. It was as if rationality has left you and you were inclined to just live in the moment, not think and just feel. Soon, you were swaying your hips to the beat.

On the other hand, Solomon was surprised to witness another side of you, to see how bold you could be. Consequently, he was taken in by your energy and wanted to feel it too. Out of the blue, he grasped both your hands and mimicked your steps. It was awkward at first since you were not dancing in-sync. Gradually, you matched each other's pace and remained concentrated on your partner. Slowly, as if there was a force pushing you two together, the distance between you lessened. At the start, hands were the only ones touching then escalated to more skin contact.

Your arms were hanging around his neck while his hands were on your waist. On cue, the music shifted to a slower tune and only couples remained on the floor. You did not mind this since your eyes were glued to each other, stuck in your own world. Solomon muttered gently. "I'm glad you came with me tonight."

"You're welcome. I'm glad that I came too."

"Are you having fun?"

"Very much."

"Even with me?"

"Especially with you."

Touched by your words, Solomon smiled sweetly and placed his forehead onto yours. He whispered. "Let's stay like this for a little longer before I let you go."

"I'd like that."


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