Barbatos X Reader IV

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


It had been a couple of weeks since you arrived in Devildom and had been adjusting as an exchange student in a field of man-eating demons. Since there was no chance of returning to the human realm anytime soon, it was better to just enjoy your stay and indulge in everything the Devildom has to offer. After all, you were quite the optimist.

One day, that said positivity was put to the test. On your way to class, you passed by the staircase and a bustling group of female demons. With no time to react, a sudden force hit you from the side which caused you to lose your footing. Instinctively, you stretched out your arms, in hopes that it would break your fall. In reality, it was useless against several flight of stairs.

As you braced yourself for impact, a figure flashed then appeared before your eyes. Unexpectedly, rather than the cold hard floor, what you felt was someone's warm and sturdy chest. You trembled for a second before slowly raising your head to meet a worried pair of green orbs.

"Are you okay?" Barbatos questioned.

Still in a state of bewilderment, you nodded mindlessly. Instantaneously, a sharp pain shot through your right ankle. You dropped your head to check the injury and realized then that neither of your feet were on the ground. Embarrassed, you leaned back but was caged between Barbatos' arms.

"Be careful, MC. I think you sprained your ankle. Let's carry you to the infirmary." The demon stated then shifted your position to a bridal carry. This only garnered more attention from nearby students as Barbatos rushed towards the clinic. You could only hide your flushed face in shame.

At your destination, the school nurse was nowhere to be found so Barbatos took it upon himself to treat you instead. Much like a fragile porcelain doll, Barbatos gently placed you on the bed and removed your shoes and socks. No pain was felt when the demon butler transported the injured limb on top of a pillow and put an ice pack on it which was commendable. If he was not Diavolo's personal assistant, he would be an excellent first aid provider.

"Thank you for your help, Barbatos. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be on my way to heaven by now." You joked lightheartedly but was not received well by your audience.

"If I was not there..." Barbatos warned. "'d have blood spilling from your head. However, that would not be the cause of your death. It would be the hungry demons that are attracted to the scent of your blood. So, if it weren't for me, a torn ligament would be the least of your problems."

The ferocious look in his eyes that could just gobble you up was enough to send a shiver down your spine. In an attempt to conceal the hairs standing at the back of your neck, you gripped the bed sheets until your knuckles turned white and laughed. "I got it. I'll be careful next time."

Barbatos scrutinized you for a second before grabbing an elastic band from the first aid kit. "I don't think you did, MC." He uttered then dropped on one knee beside the bed. "Here, give me your leg. I'll wrap your ankle with a band."

In fear of angering the demon, you swiftly complied which caused you to wince from the pain. Barbatos' cold fingers were careful as he neatly covered the injury with an elastic band.

As soon as he was finished, you chirped. "Thank you! Now then--" You tried to pull back your leg but was restrained by Barbatos' iron grip. A foreboding clouded your mind while your stomach was in knots. Why isn't he letting go?

"B-Barbatos?" You stuttered. "Is anything the matter?"

"I don't think you understand the gravity of the matter so..." Luminous emeralds became even more radiant as emotions of mischief surfaced. "...I think it would be quicker if I demonstrate."

Your prediction came true when Barbatos' sly hand travelled up your leg and playfully squeezed the side of your thigh. Then, he lifted your feet and planted a light kiss. You bit your lip in exasperation while he pecked your wound and moved up your leg. His warm breath on your inner thigh caused you to tremble from the tip of your toes and fingers. He's so close to that place. What is he doing?

Green orbs eagerly watched your reactions as Barbatos kissed your knee and inner thigh. Finally, he paused at the middle which relieved you. However, that was not the end of it. You yelped when his tongue flicked on your sensitive skin. Immediately, your hands were grabbing his silky hair, in hopes that it would cease his actions. If anything, it only prompted Barbatos to be friskier.

This time, that similar spot was showered with nibbling and sucking. Involuntarily, you arched forward and plopped your face on the top of Barbatos' head. "Barbatos...please..." You begged which thankfully put an end to his teasing.

A dark red mark was left on your thigh which would probably go unnoticed unless you looked closer. On the other hand, the ends of Barbatos' hair were tangled and sticking out. Nevertheless, he did not move and, instead, tucked a stray hair behind your ear. "Let this be your warning, MC. You must always be on your guard. Because, if I catch you in a vulnerable state, a hickey will not just be the end of it."

How could someone with such stunning features be capable of frivolous activities? As an optimist, would you consider this to be a stroke of luck or a challenge that you must overcome?

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