Solomon X Reader V

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Hello! Here is Solomon's oneshot. I hope you like it. Any suggestions for Simeon, our sweet angel? P.S. imagine the video above was Asmodeus' reaction.

• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


"What is that?!" Asmodeus screeched while pointing at your body with his perfectly manicured forefinger. Taken aback by the deafening sound, you eyed the demon warily and hid behind Solomon who was also present in the room.

The wizard lowered Asmodeus' accusing finger and stepped aside, exposing you and all your odd parts. It was specially nerve-wracking while being judged by the vain and beautiful Avatar of Lust. Fortunately, Solomon's encouraging smile prevented you from running away in fear.

Immediately, Asmodeus exclaimed when it finally dawned on him. "Is that you, MC?"

Apparently, being recognized by the demon helped eased your nerves and the tension between you three. You smiled sheepishly in response then squeaked. "Hi Asmo."

Asmodeus blinked for a second before regaining his composure. "Hello." Then, he faced the wizard. "What is going on here, Solomon?"

Solomon smiled with furrows between his eyebrows. It was quite a long story.


The story began when you received a harmless text message from Solomon who was inviting you over to the Purgatory Hall. The chat also stated his intention of surprising you with an object from the human realm.

Rather than bursting with excitement over his gift, you scrutinized his text. The wizard had a tendency to disguise his malicious intent with different sorts of heartwarming expressions. Solomon was sneakiest of the bunch after all.

You debated whether to make up an excuse or just straight up reject his invitation. In the end, you did not do either, in fear of disappointing your only human companion in the Devildom. Sometimes, you regretted being such a pushover. However, you pushed the thought at the back of your mind and became optimistic instead. Why am I being so suspicious? It's just a gift. It could be something really nice...

... or horrible.


Once you arrived in the Purgatory Hall, Solomon did not waste a single second before dragging you towards his living quarters. Unknowingly, you felt giddy at his advances and looked forward to his plans behind closed doors. Unfortunately, it was something far from what you were anticipating.

As soon as you were imprisoned with Solomon in his bedroom, the wizard marched towards his table and retrieved a small vial. A strange viscous green liquid swirled inside the container as Solomon returned to your side. Your eyes were focused onto the potion while the wizard spoke eloquently, reminding you of a salesperson which was never a good sign. Dreadful emotions filled your entire being.

"A friend sent this over to me and told me great reviews about it. He said that it could enhance physical capabilities of humans, making you stronger and faster. With this, you would never have to worry about lower-ranking demons attacking you."

You stepped away from the wizard. Nevertheless, Solomon closed the distance with a single stride and pushed the glassware towards your hands. This process continued until your foot hit a scattered object on the floor, losing your balance. The white-haired jerk only watched in surprise as you fell on your bum loudly. You felt your anger simmering, invoking you to throw something towards the wizard.

Solomon immediately regained his senses when he realized where your hand was heading. "Don't touch that!"

Sadly, his warning came a second too late as your fingers touched an ancient scroll. Out of the blue, a beam of light shot through the paper then surrounded your body, blinding you two. Thereafter, the light burst into tiny sparkles, vanishing into the air. A second later, Solomon's eyes were so wide open, his eyeballs might pop out of their sockets.

Panicked, you scanned your face and torso for any injuries and abnormalities. "What? What? What's wrong with me?"

Solomon shut his mouth. Quietly, he helped you up and guided towards his body-sized mirror. As soon as you set sight on your figure, you let out a scream. The sound was so scratchy and glass-shattering, forcing Solomon to cover both of his ears and grit his teeth.

"I have raccoon ears and tails!" You declared while nervously examining the mutations.

"You have raccoon eyes too." The wizard joked which made you narrow your eyes in slits. Did he think he was helping?

"My eyes are always like this. What did you do to me, Solomon?!" You seethed, gesturing towards your entire being.

"I didn't do anything. You touched the scroll all by yourself." The wizard stated defensively. "In fact, you should thank me or else you would have turned into a full-blown raccoon."

"Of course, having raccoon ears and tail is totally fine." You announced sarcastically.

"Raccoon eyes too."

"Shut up. Just turn me back."

"I can't. The spell will naturally wear off by itself."

Your eyes perked up towards the good news. "When?"

"In a week?"

"A week?! I can't go to school looking like this. Plus, Lucifer is going to kill me when he finds out." You complained while pulling your hair out exasperatedly.

"You could just say that you're into cosplaying lately."

"Why on earth would I cosplay a raccoon? Lucifer wouldn't allow it anyway, especially in RAD. Did you forget he's the vice president?" You deadpanned.

"Well, I can't think of anything. Look, I have to take you back. It's getting dark."

Dejected, you allowed the wizard to send you towards your impending doom. Perhaps, you should have trashed his room as revenge.


Thankfully, it was Asmodeus who was at the door when you arrived at the House of Lamentation, leading you to the present.

"Don't tell Lucifer just yet." You pleaded towards the demon.

Before Asmodeus could answer, an authoritative and stern voice cut in, sending a shiver down your spine. "Tell me what, MC?"

You spun in your heel and came face-to-face with an unamused Avatar of Pride. Looking away, you searched for Solomon, hoping he would help you out. Your eyes scanned the area and discovered that the jerk just abandoned you and escaped on his own.

I'll definitely kill that b****.

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