Simeon X Reader I

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


Speak of the devil, or rather an angel, Simeon was the epitome of eye-catching. Whenever he enters the room, all eyes were immediately glued onto him. No one was immune to his heavenly beauty and calming aura. You were not an exception to this.

To be honest, his presence was not favorable for you at the moment. The angel had to be seated next to you during a difficult class. Not allowing yourself to succumb to temptations, you forced yourself to remain concentrated on the board up front. However, your eyes were not keen on following your orders and took a peek on your seatmate. In the end, you gave up on listening to the teacher and studied someone else entirely. Without facing Simeon, you observed him from the corner of your eye while occasionally nodding towards the lecturer to hide the fact that you were not mentally present anymore.

Too engrossed in imprinting Simeon's exposed shoulder and tight fit shirt into your brain, you did not notice the teacher dismissed the class. You were dragged back to earth when Simeon's eyes were on you. You jumped up from your seat and feigned stretching your limbs. "Oh, I've been sitting way too long that my hips are aching."

Simeon nodded with a gentle smile. "It's not good to stay seated all day."

"That's right." You agreed then boldly offered. "So, why don't we go for a walk first then have dinner."

Truthfully, it was an impulsive plan you came up with at that moment. However, you were not eager to separate from the angel and wished to spend more time with him before heading home.

"Alright." He affirmed before adding. "Let's invite Luke as well."

You were already ecstatic with his first reply, but he had to crush your hopes quickly. The date crasher, Luke, marched towards you two from the other side of the room when Simeon called out to him. Simeon repeated your conversation earlier and wondered if he would like to join too. As if Luke sensed your distaste with the turn of events, he declined the invitation. With the situation finally in your favor, you clenched your fists inconspicuously.

The wingman deserved a reward. You thought if you should buy Luke a treat.

As if Luke was not enough, Simeon had to invite each demon brother as you passed by them in the hallway. They were akin to final bosses you had to defeat to move on to the next level. You mentally cursed Simeon for being a sweetheart. Luckily, Lucifer was easy to convince whereas Mammon was difficult to shake off. Nevertheless, you came out victorious with a prize of dating the prince. Only then did you learn what a challenge it was to have the angel all to yourself. Better make the most of this date.

"Was class not enjoyable today?" Simeon questioned.

"It's alright."

Simeon was not convinced, judging from his worried features. "Are you sure?"

"It's fine. Why are you asking?"

"Well...I thought you wanted to go out because you were having a hard time." He pointed out then added sheepishly. "Plus, it seemed that you couldn't focus a while ago. You kept glancing towards me, so I assumed you were calling out to me for help."

On cue, you stopped on your tracks with your brain shutting down completely. You stared blankly at the ground, hoping it would swallow you whole at that moment. At the sight of your sullen expression, the clueless angel became even more concerned. "Are you really okay, MC?"

Seeing him fuss over you snapped you back to reality. With your brain functioning again, feelings of embarrassment kicked in. You covered your flushed cheeks and pleaded. "I'm okay. About what you saw, please forget about it Simeon."

"How can I forget it? Ever since class started, your eyes were on me. How can I ignore your earnest eyes?" Simeon elaborated seriously, increasing the weight of humiliation on your shoulders. That means he caught you watching him the whole time.

"Please Simeon. It was really nothing. Just forget it."

What is this? Was this divine punishment for looking at an angel with sinful eyes? If it was, you prayed to God and promised to never do it again. As if hearing your pitiful cries, Simeon decided not to press on any further. He instantly changed the subject by asking where to eat. After much debate, you made your way to the restaurant. During the trip, you clutched your chest to stabilize your racing heartbeat. It was such a relief that Simeon misinterpreted the reason behind your watchful eyes.

Little did you know that the intention behind Simeon's sudden interrogation was not so kind and innocent after all.

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