Leviathan X Reader I

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• MC: Main Character, which is you, the reader
• (A/N): Author's Note
• Italicized words: your thoughts


What a wonderful day it was. Even though the sun does not shine in Devildom, Hell appeared to be peaceful today. Furthermore, it was the weekend, so it was the perfect opportunity to go out. Grabbing your phone from your bedside table, you asked the brothers of their plans for the day. Unfortunately, all seemed to have taken this chance to set up their own schedules, unable to accompany you. All were busy except for the shut-in otaku who was not answering your messages. Not wasting this marvelous day, you marched towards Leviathan's room. You pounded on his door prompting him to open it annoyed. A scowl was immediately thrown at you. "What do you want normie? Can't you see I'm busy?"

"You weren't replying to my texts, so I figured you were free." You pointed out.

"Not answering usually means the receiver is busy. What do you want anyway?"

"It's a nice day today."

"So what?"

"Let's go out."

Leviathan eyed you, as if he were judging a stupid person. "Why should I go out when I can watch all the anime all day without anyone disturbing me?"

"Please Levi. You've been stuck in your room all week. We haven't hung out in a while. Let's go out, just the two of us." You pleaded, emphasizing 'two of us', while grasping his hand, surprising Leviathan.

A blush was evident on his cheeks as he gaped at his hand that you were holding, inquiring. "Just the two of us?"

You nodded with a sweet smile. "Like a date." You added.

By now, his whole face was fiery red. "A date?! An otaku like me, going on a date?! I can't! I can't do it." He refused, shaking his head fervently.

Despite his rejection, you persevered by exploiting his weakness. Your hands traveled from his hand to his upper arm while you did your best impression of puppy eyes. "Please Levi. Let's go out today. You're the only one I want to go out with."

Leviathan's flushed face froze, eyes wide open, for a minute before he blinked. Fair to say, he was not immune to your charms. While looking elsewhere, Leviathan finally agreed. "Okay. I guess I'll go out with you for today." Hearing his response, you dragged him out of the House of Lamentation in a heartbeat before he could change his mind.

Out in the bustling streets, you eagerly studied your surroundings, wondering where to go to first. You were about to ask Leviathan for any suggestions but was shocked to find his face still flaming red. Concern washed away all the excitement before you questioned worriedly. "Are you okay? Is the heat getting to you?"

"Ha--hand." Leviathan stuttered. Confused, you glanced at his hand and was surprised to find it was intertwined with yours. Amidst the crowd, you might have unconsciously grabbed his hand and did not let go, freaking out the demon. You breathed a sigh of relief then chuckled. How can this otaku be so cute? To gauge out more reaction, you raised both your hands and teased. "It's fine, isn't it? This way, we won't get separated."

You declared before Leviathan could complain. "So, what shall we do?"

Leviathan responded straightforwardly. "I don't have anything in mind. I was only thinking about what anime to binge-watch today."

On cue, a grumbling sound from Leviathan was heard. Both of you paused. Then, Leviathan was blushing once more while you stifled your laughter as to not embarrass him any further. You coughed to ease the awkward tension. "Let's eat."

You chose a nearby restaurant so Leviathan can finally have his much-needed meal. Fortunately, the services were exceptional, and the food was served quickly. After taking a bite, you announced. "This is really good. You should try it."

Interested, he asked. "Is that so? Let me have one."

Raising your fork with the meat, you vocalized. "Aaaaa..."

Leviathan leaned back, not appreciating your jokes. "I don't need you to feed me."

You insisted, fork still in the air. "Aaaaa..." After a couple of minutes with you two not moving, you complained. "Quickly Levi. My arm is getting tired."

Leviathan complied after much hesitation and ate from your fork. Satisfied, you beamed. "Good, right?"

He hummed, too focused on the indirect kiss than the actual taste.

Finished with your meals, you went out in the streets again. The crowd seemed to have lessened, so you did not hold his hand anymore. After some contemplation, you decided to do some window shopping instead since neither of you had any destination in mind. The walk was fun as Leviathan informed you of his latest game quests and trending anime. Everything was pleasant until someone joined in on the fun.


Your head whipped to the person approaching you. It was Asmodeus. "I'm glad I ran into you."

"What's up?" You queried.

"I was just out shopping and then I planned on stopping by this newly-opened coffee shop. Coincidentally, I saw you passing by and so I thought of inviting you. I hear the tarts there are great."

Leviathan stared at you from the corner of his eyes, concealing his disappointment that someone barged in on you two. His heart swelled when you laced your fingertips with his and showed it to Asmodeus. "I'm gonna pass for today. As you can see, we're on a date."

Asmodeus was bewildered by this, musing how you persuaded his brother to crawl out of his room. Nevertheless, he backed off and left you two. When he was out of sight, you faced Leviathan. "Shall we continue our date?"

"Listen, I just bought a new game from Akuzon. We should play it." He announced.

Sensing his motives, you promised. "Alright. After today's date, let's go to your room." And that's how you spent the rest of this wonderful day, sticking right next to Leviathan.

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