Chapter 17: Suspect

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Hey humans I am back! My college classes started today I will try to still update like normal. If I take longer than three days to update it is because of school. Thank you who have read this story up to this point, I really appreciate it a lot. Ok let's get into the story, shall we?

Elana's Pov CCG's clinic

For the past couple of days, I have been in the clinic from what the V+ ghoul did. I now have a healing factor, but it was not instant. All though it was cool to know that broken bones only took days to heal rather than months. I can move everything again so I should be getting released soon. I hear the door and see my partner investigator Suzuya walk in.

"Hey, Andrews how are you?"

"Still a little sore but ready to get to work."

"Glad to hear it because you are being realized today. Come on let's head to our office."

I get off the bed and get dressed in my work clothes. After I changed I walked out of the room and walked with my partner to the office. When we arrive I and Suzuya sit down at our shared desk and start. What I could not figure out is how he was so fast. I remember when he was fighting the V+ ghoul had trouble keeping up with him. "Sir how were you able to keep up with the Vampire King?"

"I have enhanced speed. Before we came to the U.S we underwent a procedure to give us an edge. I got my speed improved. Now to the task at hand. So far we have a college shirt, the time it takes from the college to a residential area. Tell me, Andrews, what do you think?"

I contemplated it for a while before answering. "First we see if there are any classes from 4 to 6. The Vampiric Demon Ghoul King was spotted in the alleyway around six twenty and it was only twenty minutes away from the college. If we can find what class runs from four to six then we can narrow down a list of suspects to a single class."

"Way ahead of you Andrews. We have access to the class schedule for the college because of our investigation. let me see here... the only class that matches up with those times is Ghoul Biology with Mr. Hide. I actually know him a little. He interned at the CCG a while back when I was a recruit. I will pull up the list of students you tell me if you see any names that look familiar."

He was going down the list and I looked at it intensely, one of the students in this class killed my baby. "STOP," I shouted. This made Suyuza jump out of his seat. "Sorry I saw a name."

"It is ok, man I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Now, What did you see?"

"That name Jack Daniels. Though I remember him having a different last name."

"Andrews lets look his name in the public records. Let's see here. Jack was born in Tokyo, Japan on August 19, 2001. He is 19 and graduated from Lemoore High School last year. He was a straight-A student."

"Does he have any family Suzuya?"

"According to the records, his parents disappeared when he was little. Shortly after, he was taken in and adopted by a family friend by the name Lisa Marshall. More documents showed he changed his last name to Dainials before this year started. How do you know him?"

"I don't, well not officially anyway. My son knew him in school. He went to the funeral for my brother-in-law Nolan."

"Strange, records show where Jack lives. It just happens to be ten minutes from where the Vampiric Demon Ghoul King was spotted in the alleyway."

Jack's Pov hours later in Ghoul Bio

I was sitting in class with my three friends in class. Like normal, I was not paying attention because I already knew the information being taught. This class is boring but at least its an easy a, well for me ad my ghoul friends. I felt my pocket shake and I take out my phone and see a text from Scott.

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