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Hey guys as promised I am writing the sequel for my first Tokyo ghoul book! Be sure to check out the first one. Ok let's get into this, shall we?

There is a saying that goes revenge is a dish best served cold and sure enough, Jack delivered the coldest dish he could make. He tracked down and slaughtered all that stood in his way for on his quest to avenge his parents. However, like the saying goes misery loves company and after all the carnage he decided to leave Elana Andrews alive so she could feel the same thing he felt when his parents were taken.

Jack thought that when killing Jason he would feel better, but he was wrong. Nothing good came with taking his revenge. Jack's parents were still dead and he still felt the same pain he felt when they were taken away all those years ago.

He was confused because he believed after the killing of Jason he would be at peace and be able to be happy and cheerful. Instead, Jack dealt with his grief by killing every CCG investigator he could find. Jack would go on patrol around the city and hunt any trace of the CCG he could find.

His rampage got so intense that he was given a new rating of V+. This new rating was given to ghouls who were death incarnate and it was very appropriate for Jack. With a V+ rated vampire/ghoul hybrid on their side, the ghouls had a symbol to look up to. Jack had also started cannibalizing ghouls and developed an Ukaku as well.

To the ghouls, Jack was a god, a symbol of destruction and chaos that was needed in this world. Jack was still the sweet person he was before his parents died, but when killing the Andrews he developed a dark and sadistic side and could go from happy and caring to ruthless and cold-blooded at the drop of a dime. For this reason, the ghouls tried to stay on his good side.

Jack had also started cannibalizing his own kind. Because of this he developed his own full functioning Ukaku well.

While Jack was dealing with everything Elana was trying not to fall apart in despair. About two weeks after her family was killed she finally broke down. She had been trying to stay strong in the public eye because there was a lot of media coverage around her after Jason's death. Elana said she was fine and was moving on, but in truth, she was dying inside.

She then decided that she would enlist in the CCG to find and kill the vampiric demon ghoul king. She had not gone public about this decision yet for personal reasons. Her mother and siblings tried to change her hind about her decision. They said revenge would not make her feel any better, but like Jack, she was not going to listen.

It has been about a month since Jake killed Jason and he was hanging out with Hayden on the couch.

"Hey, Hayden?"

"Yea what's up Jack?"

"I hate to admit it, but you were right. Getting revenge does not make me feel any better. I thought it would. I see now hat revenge was just a way to avoid dealing with the loss. Hate and anger were all I had. To make matters worse I went on a killing spree after thinking it would help. I mean becoming the world's first V+ rated ghoul sounds cool, but I am still left parentless." Jack hated to admit when he was wrong, but he can not avoid this truth.

"I know Jack it will be ok. Why don't we call it a night? Thinking about all this is not dong any good, what's done is done."

"Ok, once again you are right." With that they head to bed and Jack tried to forgive himself for all their pain and suffering he had brought.

Well, that is it for today. Was it any good? Let me know what you guys think. I have a lot of cool ideas and plans for this second book! Until next time JacobFain2 out!

The V+ Rated Ghoul (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now