☁︎ ︎Storms ☁︎︎

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It was a stormy day. Rain pouring down and loud booming thunder. No one is the studio really minded.

Besides a certain small janitor. He hated storms. The loud thunder made him jump and paranoid. He was scared of the lightning and the constant pitter patter of rain annoyed him. It was a childish fear, but he couldn't hep it. It freaked him out.

It freaked him out so much, that he was hiding in his supply closest, crying and trying to muffle his sobbing. Every time there was another round of thunder, he would make jump and a little sound of fear came out. He hated it. How childish he was being.

And on top of that, Sammy Lawrence, the music director, was looking for him. Sammy had found the last pair of keys Wally had lost in one of the bins. He was going to return them and then scold him for losing them so often.

"Wally? Where are you?" Sammy looked in his office and all around the studio before even thinking about in his supply closet. He was walking back towards his office. But before Sammy got to his office, he heard something. It sounded awfully like crying coming from Wally's supply closet.

Concerned, Sammy swung open the door. Shocked and scared, Wally squeaked a little before clapping a hand over his mouth and jumped a little. He looked up to see Sammy. He tried wiping away his tears but it was no use.

"Wally? What are you doing in here?" Sammy bent down so he was eye level with the other. He held a concerned face and completely disregarded why he was here in the first place.

Another round of thunder went off and startled Wally. He was shaking and trying to stop his crying. He in no way wanted Sammy to see him like this.

"Hey, hey.. Wally, You're okay." Sammy moved next to the scared janitor after closing the door behind them, making sure nobody can see them.

"Wally, shhhh.. Your okay." Sammy put two and two together when he saw Wally flinch when the thunder erupted. Never would he have thought that Wally would be scared of storms.

The music director bought the small janitor into his embrace. hugging him close to his chest, protecting him from the noises from outside. Whispering reassuring wording into his ear.

Wally clung to the blond like his life depended on it. He was sobbing into Sammy's chest and shaking like a leaf. This is not how either of them thought they were going to spend their evening.

"I-i'm so-rry Sams." Wally stuttered through his apology. He hated that Sammy had to see him like this. Being childish and stupid.

"Don't be sorry Wally. You have nothing to be sorry for. Everyone has fears, okay? Everyone gets scared and needs reassurance from time to time." Sammy began rubbing the others back, trying to sooth him.

"B-but its chi-ldi-ish.. I-.." Wally's grip tightened as he stopped speaking. He continued to cry but he stopped shaking and jumping whenever there was thunder. Sammy thinks hes crying for a different reason now.

Sammy hugged the janitor closer into his chest and sighed. "No it's not.. Everyone has something that scares them." Both the janitor and the music director had been in the supply closet for a while. Skipping out on break time and work time. Sammy spent his time calming down Wally to the point where the small mechanic fell asleep on his chest.

Sammy didn't dare move from his spot. He ran his fingers through Wally's hair, seeming to calm him down even in sleep. Sammy had wiped away the tears and yawned. Guess the non stop song writing finally caught up to him.

"You safe with me, Walls. I promise."

This wouldn't be the only time that Sammy has caught Wally in the closet. Whenever there was a storm, he would always go to calm down Wally. Even if he hadn't finished his songs.

It went the other way too. Whenever Sammy was stressed or got overwhelmed, Wally would be there to help.

It had become accustom to them. Helping each other through rough times.



Guess what.....

I know have a freaking job!! Yay!

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