| Lost keys |

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Wally didn't want to tell Sammy that he had lost his keys again. He hated being yelled at. They all acted like he was a child. Always scolding him for the things he does wrong. Or just because he will try and lighten the mood if its tense.

Sometimes he will get away with it, and people will laugh along with him about his jokes, but the times when they yell at him, or look at him in disappointment, hurt the hell out of him.

But he loves all of his work mates, even Joey at times. When he's not being a nob.

Wally walked down the stairs to the music department, looking for the music director. He walked all the way over to Sammy's sanctuary with his head down. With a frown on his face, preparing for the yells.

Wally knocked three times before the music director opened up. He had dark circles under his eyes and smelled like ink.

"Oh, hello Wally." Sammy offered him a smile which he returned. The smile not reaching his eyes as usual.

"Hi Sammy." Wally was getting nervous, and that was rare for him. He is usually always confident and bright.

"What can I do for you?" Wally shifted his weight from on foot to the other, adverting eye contact. He knew he was going to get yelled at because last time Sammy said if he lost his keys again he would be furious.

"Uhh- I might havelostmykeysagain......" Sammy laughed and put a hand on his colleagues shoulder.

"A bit slower this time Wals." Wally took a deep breath and took a look at the taller blond.

"I.... lost... my keys.. again." Sammy removed his hand off of his friend and sighed. He rubbed his face with his hand and mumbled stuff under his breath.

Wally was still looking at the ground. Thinking of where he might have misplaced them.

"What the fuck did I tell you last time Wally?! I said not to lose them! And look what you fucking did!?" Wally winced and shuffled back from the angry male.

"I'm sorry. I must have just misplaced them." Wally's voice was small but Sammy caught what he said.

"That's what you said the last 4 time! God dam it all, Wally you fucking idiot!" The shorter male looked up at the Angry blond with a look of hurt and sadness across his face.

"Sammy, I said I was sorry, It was an accident. They are just keys." Wally tried to reason with the blond male but that just seemed to make him angrier.

"Its not just that Wally! Every time you come in here, telling me you lost your keys, it takes away time I could be using to finish these fucken songs!" Wally looked down and the floor. He doesn't know why me makes a big deal out of it. He always finishes them on time, even when he has come to him about the keys.

"Well, if I'm that much a burden to you, you could of just said." Wally walked away after that.

Sammy knew he fucked up and sighed. He doesn't know why he got so angry for something everybody does.

Wally's face felt hot. He reached a hand up to his cheek and it felt wet. He was crying. He doesn't remember the last time he cried. He never does. So why is this making him cry?

Wally didn't turn around when he heard his name being called. He knew Sammy was calling him back, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get out of the department.

Walking up the stairs, Wally ended up bumping into Henry. A good friend of His.

"Sorry Wally. Hey, are you ok?" Wally looked up at his friend and nodded. He wiped his tears away with the sleave of his shirt and put on a smile for the animater.

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