Take this shit-

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Jack Fain: I have a hat.

Everybody:  I know this and I love you


Henry one his 184th loop: Hello everybody. Joey has decided to let me live another day, so I'll be your problem once again.


Susie: Don't ya hate it when you wake up from a dream and then get really depressed because it was just a dream and not real life?

Grant: when I wake up I get depressed because I wake up.

Shawn from the distance: yoU MOTHER FUC-


Sammy bordering himself behind the boards he breaks out of in chapter five: I am disgusted, I am revolted. I've dedicated my whole life to our Lord and saviour Bendy, and this is the thanks I get?!


Sammy: Hey Wally, have you taken out the trash yet?

Wally: Eww, no. I'm not asking Joey on a date!

Sammy: wow,,


Joey: We could be seeing history in the making!

Henry: We could be seeing an arrest in the making.


Henry: *breaks a bendy cut out*

Ink Bendy: This is why we can't have nice things Henry.


Sammy: Oh... My... Bendy...

Henry: Don't you mean 'Oh my God'??

Sammy: Look, you worship your things, and I'll worship mine.


Bertrum: We call it an indicator because it indicates where you are going.

Wally: We call them blinkers because they go blink blink-


Grant: we both look very handsome tonight.

Shawn: You know, if you'd just say I looked handsome, I would've just said 'so do you'.

Grant: I couldn't take that chance.



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