Sammy x Norman - Sheep, Sheep, Sheep, its time for sleep.

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*Bold black writing is Sammy singing.
Song: Sheep Sheep Sheep by Rockit Gaming *

All Sammy saw was red. First his lord betrays him, then he finds out before all this, 'inkiness' happened, he was engaged to Norman Polk, or better known as the Projectionist down here. Now, the angel has him in her grasp and Sammy does not like this one bit. even though he doesn't remember his past that well yet, he still has a felling of protecting him. he doesn't want Norman to suffer the same fate as Boris did.

Striding down the never ending halls of the studio, axe in hand, Sammy is going to get him back. he doesn't care about the consequences that will wait upon him for going into the Angels territory, he just knows he need to get him back.

Sammy doesn't even notice the black inky veins covering the walls and floor. even if he did, he would of ignored them. Bendy betrayed him, he isn't who he thought he was, he was never going to set him free. Sammy kept walking until he reached the lift. knowing that he angel can hear and see him, he started giggling.

"I see you in a good mood Sammy. coming to get your beloved back? I don't think he will be leaving any time soon."

Sammy just chuckels. He knows what the Angel is capable of, but no one knows what he has up his sleves. He was to buys worshiping his 'lord and saviour' that everyone thinks he can't do anything himself.

"Sheep Sheep Sheep, its time for sleep, I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you, lost my keys, no i never sleep, I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you..."

This caught the Angels attention, Sammy always sings, but this time its different. this time, it sounded more sinniester, and its not the same song he always sings.

"I will write by candlelight, beyond fright and fading sights,

of other men holding pictures of god adding to my restless nights.

I carry on wading through the blood of the pen and the stacked coffins,

even though the bliss of knowing that my mind had reached its end."

The lift stoped at level 9. one of the only levels the ink demon does not dare to go to. Sammy walks up to the door. 'She's Quite a Gal' hanging right above it. Switching his axe to his right hand, Sammy walk in. All the memories of him and Norman coming back the further he walks. there first kiss, there first date, his proposel. everything.

"We will bleed through this page, Bendy please keep me safe."

rounding one more coner, Sammy makes it to a room where the angel stands, with glass inbetween them. to the left of her, is the projectionist, straped to a table, looking defeated. Sammy could only think of things that she has done to him.

"Ah, Sammy, about time you arrived, i was starting to think i wouldn't have an audience." Alice was one sick being. killing others and taking their insides to make her "beautiful again". that's why she took Boris, and the butcher gang. but, looks like it never worked.

Sammy stayed quiet, just staring at her. planning how to get to her through the glass. Before he could come up with anything, she pulled a lever, wich was connected to the table Norman was on. shes electrocuting him.

That's when Sammy acted on impulse. Running up to the glass and smashing it with his axe, he jumped up and ran at the angel. Grabbing her by the throat in mid air.

"sheep, sheep, sheep its time fore sleep, I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you,

lost my keys, no i never sleep, I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you."

"Oh Alice, you've just made a big mistake." Having a little laugh he throughs Alice out the room, onto the floor. He grabs his axe and walk up to her body on the floor.

"What are you going to do Sammy? Your 'Lord' would never let you do this. Imagine what he will think if he hears of this." Alice try's to hide her fear by sounding tough. But Sammy can see it clear as daylight in her eyes.

"I doubt he will care, but he's not my lord, or anyone's for that matter. Just a demon roaming this studio looking revenge he's never going to get." Sammy picks her up one again by the throat. She makes gasps for air, scarring at his inky hands.

"Sammy, please. Let go." Her pathetic plea for him to let go was ignored by the music director.

"Sheep Sheep Sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head it's time for bed, in the morning you may wake, or you'll be dead."

He dropped her and brought his axe up high about his head. With one swift motion, he plunges the axe through her head. A pool of bloody ink made its way under her body. Satisfied, Sammy quickly remembered that there was another person in the room.

He ran over to the projectionist and untitled his restraints. Not being able to stand, all of his weight was put on Sammy. Picking him up bridle style, he carried Norman back to his sanctuary, using the lift of course.

"T-tha-nk y-o-ou S-a-am-y" the sound of a soft glitchy projectionist caught Sammy attention. He didn't think he was able to speak with a projector as a head.

All Sammy could do was smile and hug the others body closer to his. The lift stopped and Sammy walked into his sanctuary. Putting Norman down, he started looking over all of his body to see if he had anymore injuries.

"I-I'm Fi-ne Sa-m"

He hasn't been called Sam in a long time. He looked right into Norman's projector smiling. But something else was tugging at his mind. Guilt. If he hadn't been busy with following Bendy around everywhere, he could of prevented this from happening.

"I'm sorry Norman, if I was- I could have-"

"Sa-mmy, I-i don-'t care what happ-ened to me. It's n-it your fau-lt. I'm w-with you no-w so that makes it all bet-te-r.

The music director pulled the older man into a hug, a few tears running down his face. "I love you." He whispered. Norman smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I love you too."

1086 words. Dam. Would you like them shorter? Or longer? Anyway, first one done and I think I done pretty well, but I'm crap at dialogue, so there's that.

I will to request if any of you want to see a particular ship or something.

Any way,

Thank you for reading, I'll see you in the next one.

-Jess x

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