Letters | Henry x Ink Bendy |

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In this one, Henry is merely a letter boy, delivering a letter to Joey Drew Studios, so an AU really. :)

"Hello? Anyone here? I've got letter for a uh... Mr... Joey Drew?" Since entering the studio, Henry couldn't see or hear anyone, not that he was complaining, he hates talking to people.

Stepping further into the studio, he noticed a few posters on the wall, but didn't bother reading them.

"Oh well. I'll just leave it here and leave." before Henry could even place the piece of paper on the table next to him, there was this sound coming from further down the room.

The sound grew louder and started sprouting from the floor.

Henry's eyes grew wide and stood frozen. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what they were. It sure as hell wasn't human.

All of a sudden, they started pointing at him and lunged at him. Henry was quick to dodge them and run for the exit, but when he got there, it was locked. What? It was unlocked a few seconds ago!

Hearing those gurgiling sounds closer to him, Henry turend around and saw that the ink? was running at him. They got closer and lunged at him again. they missed and Henry took this as a chance to run past them.

"What the fuck are they?!" Henry ran until he saw a human sized looking box just up a head. He swung open the door and planted himself into the 'Miracle Station' so it's called.

Slinding down the wall of the box, Henry's anxiety was starting to show. He had tears in his eyes and was starting to hyperventilate.

Foot steps could be heard and only making his anxiety worse when they stoped right infront of the box.

They started shaking and scratching at the door, amost knocking it over. he could hear his heart beat in his ears now, feeling he was going to pass out from all the hyperventilating. Tears now streaming down his face, he was scared and confused.

What are those things? What were they made of? Why were they after him?!

Henry covered his ears because of the scratching and whimpered when the box fell over. The door was ripped open, but then the walls turned black. Both the things moved back from the box.

"It's him! we have to go!" Who's him? Why do they have to leave if its him?

Henry quite questions where answered when a tall black figure came out of the wall. He was made of ink? A big grin plastered on his face, and devil horns on his head. He was tall, way taller then Henry. He looked like a demon.

"B-bendy, is this human yours? we didn't know!!I'm so- aahhHHHH" the thing didn't even get to finish it's sentence before the demon, or Bendy, grabbed it by the neck and ripped its head off. The other one tried to run but Bendy grabbed it and tore its head off. Leaving pools of ink on the floor.

Henry was terrified. He did no way in hell sign up for this. He was just a letter delivery guy.

The de- Bendy, Turned around and looked at Henry, He still had tears running down his face and was breathing heavily. He was shaking and looking up at Bendy with horror in his eyes.

"You ok Doll?~" That grin never left his face as he leans down to the frightened male.

Henry managed a simple nod and looked down.

"This place isn't meant for pretty faces like yours ~ "

Henry face was covered in a light blush. He can't handle compliments. Bendy's grin seemed to widen at this. A soft smile made its way into Henry's face.

The horror in his eyes faded away and was replaced with a shy smile. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel threatened by him. Even if he did watch him tear those things head off.

"How did you end up here Doll~" Bendy helped Henry out of the fallen box and held onto his hand. Not that he minded anyway.

"I-I.. I was here t-to deliver a l-letter to Mr J-Joey Drew." The words were quite, but Bendy caught every word of the cute man in front of him.

Henry grabs the letter he shoved in his pocket and hand it to the demon.

Bendy read through it with a glare and tears it up, throwing all the little bits behind him.

"Well, Mr Drew has been in the most, stable, condition for the last 30 years heh. Don't worry about it, he won't be needing it anyway~"

Henry was confused but brushed it off. It wasn't his business anyway. Bendy looked around then settled his gaze back on the male in front of him.

"Well, while I've still got you here, you don't mind staying a while, do you Doll?~" Bendy saw the blush creep it's way up on Henry's face and grinned more. He looks adorable like that.

Henry chuckled and a small smile was seen. "Sure. Oh, and uh, m-my names H-Henry, by the way." Henry looked down and the hand that was still holding his and blushed harder.

Bendy looked at him then started pulling him along to give him a grand tour of the place.

Henry.... He liked that name. It suited him.

"Hmm, I think I'll stick with Doll~" Bendy laughed and looked back at the none stop blushing Henry. He started to love seeing this man blush.

Bendy tugged at Henry's hand and bought the man closer to him. He didn't want to let go of the shorter male, and he wouldn't have to for a while.

Henry, now walking along side Bendy, the events of just before, escaping his mind. He doesn't know why, but he feels at peace here, with him.

He feels happy.

And he hasn't felt that in a while.


Ok... I know it's another Henry and Bendy one... but I've got a Sammy and Norman one and two Shant chapters on the line up.

I just don't know when I will be getting them out..

So sorry..... :(

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