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Grant was spewing blood. All the kicks, punches, stabs, cuts. He was not in very good shape.

"Oh gee! Aren't you having fun yet Granty boy?" Anti snicked to himself. He was having a fabulous time. In complete bliss.

Streams of blood and tears were flowing down the accountants face. He wanted to give up. He couldn't fight anymore. He didn't want to. This is how he is going to die. But he couldn't. He had to stay alive. for him.

"Shawn!" Maybe a little attempt won't hurt. With what ever juice he had left, was going all into his voice. 

It was cracked and scratchy. With all the screaming he had been doing under all the abuse, his voice is strained.

"Shawn! Please! Shaw-" Another blow to the ribs. Grant coughed up the crimson liquid he is oh to familiar with now. He whined at how tired, broken down and dead he felt.

"Shawn! Shawn you have to-" A blow to the stomach. A kick to the face.

"What're you trying to achieve here, Huh? He IS GONE! IT'S JUST ME!" The demon was all over the place. It resembled a glitch. a bug that would invade your computer. His voice was the same. Distorted and out of focus.

"You have..... Have to wak-" Anti stabbed the sharp blade into the accountants already wounded shoulder. A Scream was the out come. It didn't matter what the glitch bitch says, Grant isn't going to give up.

"You have to wake up!" Coughs of blood erupted from the injured male.

"Please... you have tO WAKE UP!"




Shawn bolted up straight in his bed. He was drenched in sweat and tears. Hyperventilating, he ripped the sheets off of himself and ran to the bathroom. No blood. No black ink. No black and green eyes. Just tears. And very blood shot eyes.

"It was just a dream." He mumbled out of breath. The toy maker leaned down and turned the tap on. Splashing cold water on his face to calm down.

He was ok. In the safety of his own apartment.

Sighing, Shawn dried his face and left the bathroom. He looked at his bedside table at his alarm clock. 6:47 am. He didn't bother trying to go back to sleep. So the toy maker got ready to head into work early.

It's not odd for him to get nightmares.. But this one, this one seems different for some reason. It felt..... doesn't matter.. It was just a stupid dream. He will forget about it soon.

Putting his jacket on, Shawn left the safety of his apartment, and started walking to the studio. Walking past a shop window, his reflection...



So we have some to an end to 'In Your Head'

Thank you -hallemyst for the request! It was so fun to write! Hope it was to your liking as well as everyone else!

Uhh I go back to school on the 9th of June! I kinda want to go but don't at the same time.... 🤷🏼‍♀️

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