What Is A Shant? - { Shawn x Grant }

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Visiting each others work space just to see each other was not uncommon for them.

The accountant and toy maker loved spending time with each other. And that's what they were doing right now.

Shawn was sitting on his boyfriends lap while Grant was doing work. He had one arm around the Irish mans waist and another scribbling down random words and numbers.

"Hey Grant... can I ask you a question?" Shawn lifted his head and looked at his lover. Grant looked away from his work and sighed. He laid  back in his chair and put both arms around his boyfriend.

All of Grants focus was on the small bean in his lap.

"Do you know what a Shant is?" He tried. Grant really tried to keep it in. But he just couldn't.

"HAHAHAHAHA oh my god! You didn't!" The accountant burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in.

Normally Grant was a serious and well kept person. Not really showing any emotion. But he couldn't help it this time.

"What? What is it!" The toy maker was looking at his boyfriend with a confused face. What was so funny about the question?

It took a while for Grant to calm down. He was now giggling. He opened his eyes and looked at his small Irish potato. He was almost at the brink of tears from all the laughing.

"Ok, Ok..... I'm sorry!" Grant started giggling again. He rested his head on the others shoulder and tried to calm himself.

"Grant! It was a serious question! What is it?!" Grant looked up and saw a frown on the smaller males face.

"Ok.. You know what a 'ship' is? Not like a ship like on water.. like when you really want two people to get together and you fangirl over them when they do the smallest thing like.. holding hands?" The toy maker looked even more confused.

"Yeah..... Wally does that when ever Sammy and Norman are around each other."

"Exactly! Now, when you ship people together, they usually have a ship name." Shawn was nodding along. He was looking down when all of a sudden he lifts his head at a almighty speed and yells.

"OH! How the fook didn't I realise this?! Shant! It's our names put together!" The accountant chuckled and tightened his arms around the smaller male on his lap.

"Yep. I'm surprised that I knew this and you didn't." They both sat there giggling like little two graders for a while until it was time for Shawn to get back to work.

"Aww.. do you have to leave?" Grant hugged the toy maker closer to his chest. He didn't want him to go, if he did he would have to go back to work and be lonely for hours.

"I'm sorry, but I actually want to keep my job." The Irish man giggled and hugged his boyfriend. Grant lifted his head a pecked the others lips.

"Fine. I'll stay here all miserable and lonely then." He let go of the toy maker and looked away with a playful pout on his face. Shawn chuckled and kissd his cheek. He stood up saying his good byes. But before he left, he turned around and looked at the accountant.

"Hey Grant.. I love you." He then rushed out and ran down the halls and to the lift.

"That cheeky bastared." Grant ran to the door and swung it open, chasing after his boyfriend to get him back.


Sup.... I'm not dead... but I almost was when I saw this has ovER 1K READS!!!!!???????????

Like what?! Thank you guys so much! I was just checking on wattpad at school and saw it! I almost cried! Like seriously! I ran up to one of my friends and shoved my phone in there face! They were so confused!

I know this chapter is short and shit..... but... I promise I have way better ones on the line up!

And again, Thank you all so much!!!!

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