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It was beautiful honestly, the mix of yellow, orange, green and red.. He should have known. He did know, he just didn't want to accept it.. That he loved someone else. That he could live without him, but not the other way around.

It hurt. It hurt a fucking lot.. But he knew it would probably come to this.

More petals fell to the floor. More thorns, more blood, more pain.

The coughing hurts.. His lungs are full of deadly green. And they are filling his airways. He won't be able to breath soon.

Blood splattered the floor and his hands. He has flowers stuck in his lungs. Petals stuck in his throat. But every time he coughs, more comes. Its endless.

But I guess that's what he gets for loving someone yeah?

How can the most beautiful thing cause you the most pain?

Norman knew he was out of his league. That he would chose her over him.. But he couldn't stay mad. As longs as he was happy.. That's all that really matters.

The projectionist's body was shaking, coughs racked through his body as more petals and thorns were spewed out.. He's given up...

There's no point in trying to fight the inevitable. Sammy is happy without him..

But Norman would love him over and over again, if it meant that he got to see his smile.. He would never regret loving him.. He will never stop loving him..

The ground was a mixture of yellow, orange, green and red. What a beautiful canvas it was.. It reminded him of a sunset..

Well, it's the closest thing he will get to see of a sunset again...

He can feel it... His time slipping away. Leaving him.

Norman's breathing was uneven. His weezes were the only thing he could hear.

He smiled.

He may be in pain, but, he's dying by the hand of something breath taking..

Ironic isn't it? How the thing that everyone wants in their life, can kill them within minutes.. How something so beautiful can rip your heart out in seconds... How love, is the worst killer of all.

But that's just it, isn't it? What people say right?

Looks can be deceiving?


I probs need to stop making sad chapters... I'm making myself sad...

Don't know why, having a lot of inspo and motivation this morning for writing! ✌🏼🥀

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