Stop copying me!

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"That Boris belongs to me!" Alice was yelling right in Bendy and Boris's face. But bendy was Havin none of that shit.

"ThAt BoRiS bElOnGs To Me.!" Me mimicked her in a high pitched voice, acting like the angel. This caught her off guard.

".....what?" She looked as confused as a baby that had just got handed a banana.

"tHaT bOrIs BeLoNgS tO mE..!" He repeated while putting his hands in his hips with sass. Poor Boris was looking terrified but also confused as to what was going on as well.

"Are you mocking me?!" Alice took a few steps forward yelling it in Bendy's face. But he was still have none of it.

"ArE yOu MoKiNg Me?"


"sToP tHaT!"


"I sAiD sToP tHaT!"

"STOOOOOOP THAT!" Alice yelled so loud that bendy had to beat it.

Instead of mocking her in a childish way, he turned into the Ink Demon, getting all up in her face yelling, and I quote,


Alice looked like , "oh fuk, I just shit myself."

And with that, Bendy walked off tugging a petrified Boris along with him.

That was the last we heard of that argument.

198 words

Idk what this is..... I'm sorry😂

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