Have some random shit.......

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Henry, waking up: Oh shit, where am I?

Joey: *sarcastically* Heaven

Henry: Oh...

Henry: Didn't think you'd be here.


Jack: Norman, How long does it take until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?

Norman: I think it's-

Grant: 73 hours.

Shawn: How do you know?

Grant: There's an elephant behind you.


Joey: I hope you have a good explanation for explaining this.

Sammy: Actually, I have three. Pick your favourite.


Sammy: Hey Norman....

Sammy: Norman..

Sammy: NORMAN!

Norman: what you you want Sammy?

Sammy, giggling: Love you. *yeets himself down the stairs and falls on his face*

Norman, sighing: God dam it, I'm dating an idiot.


Joey: Where's Norman?

Henry, sighing then shouting: SAMMY LAWRENCE DOESN'T DESERVED TO BE LOVED!

Norman, bursting through the door: WHO'S READY TO FUCKING DIE!

Joey: oh, there he is.


I don't have any actual chapters to put out, and I don't have enough time to write them with school work and making sure I get enough sleep....

So here, have... this.... garbage...... ^_^

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