Yo (pt 3)

1K 10 12

Hey all, it's been a while.

Like, almost four years since the last official chapter.

Not gonna lie to you all here, I heavily regret writing this fic. It haunts me every waking moment of my existence, knowing that 11 year old me took a dumb idea for an x reader and fuckin ran with it. I took probably weeks out of my life, fine-tuning the chapters to the best of my sixth and seventh-grade ability. Ultimately, it came out really dumb. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you all enjoyed it! It was great practice for me as a writer, and, now that I'm 17, I've been able to build off of my mistakes and weak plot building to become a better writer than ever before. However, looking back on this, I really hate this book.

Don't worry, I'm not going to take it down or anything. Getting 204k+ reads on a book is arguably one of my biggest accomplishments, even if it was a Robin x Reader with the word "fanfiction" in the fucking title.

I'm just here to say that I appreciate every single person who's read this sorry excuse for a fanfiction. Thank you for all of the reads, votes, and comments (yes, even the hate comments lmao). You all pushed me to become a better writer, and honestly, this fic was what made me discover my love for writing. I've worked on many a piece after this one, but this is definitely my longest, and the one I was most invested in. 

To answer some questions I'm sure you have:

- No, I will not be continuing this fic. As much fun as I had working on it, it's not something I want to take on anymore. 

- I never had a plan for how this fic was going to end. There was no set ending in my mind, really. I was just going to keep writing until I felt like it was a good place to end, so how it ends is really up to you. If you want, make up your own endings in the comments! I'd love to read your interpretations of it.

- No, I'm not in the Teen Titans fanbase anymore. I left that behind around the same time as my last chapter. Currently, I watch a lot of Minecraft YouTubers (Dream Team, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, etc). 

- I don't have any published writings anywhere else. I'm not active on this account anymore, and I don't really want to give out my current Wattpad, just because I don't really want to be associated with this fic anywhere else.

I think that's all, guys. If you do have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me! I'll be sure to read all of the comments to this part, and I'll try to answer all of the dms I can.

Thank you all so much for everything. 

xoxo, kris

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