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"You just stormed out on her!?" Raven asked in disbelief. Robin and her were sitting in the private room, talking about what happened.
"You need to go apologize." Raven said sternly.
"No. I am not going to apologize!" Robin stamped his foot, "She betrayed me! She dosen't deserve to get an apology!"
"Listen Robin, what happened is not her fault. She has some sort of alter ego that controls her."
"Well, let me show you what this alter ego has done." Robin clicked a button on the table and a screen popped up. He started clicking around, opening documents and files. He finally found what he was looking for and turned the screen towards Raven.
"This is who you're defending." He pointed to an image of a young teen, hands dripping with blood, at her feet were three bodies, one was an older woman. By her sides were two children.
With a start, Raven realized that it was a family, brutally murdered by the bloody figure. Directing her gaze back to the person, Raven saw a wide grin spread across her face.
"(Y/N)." Raven realized sadly.
"Yes, let me show some more." Robin scrolled through more photos. Photos of bodies, burned out buildings, raging storms. Raven averted her eyes.
"Stop." She ordered quietly. Robin walked back over and kneeled down to where she was sitting.
"You understand now?" Robin asked. Raven nodded.
"Good. Now let's go. All the other Titans are back at the Tower." Robin urged. Raven slowly nodded.
The two stood up and walked out, leaving (Y/N) forever.

Back at (Y/N) cell

"You know what this means," Mr. Zure clicked the video feed off, "You're all alone. No more friends." He smiled and gave an evil chuckle. (Y/N) stayed silent, showing no emotions. Inside though, she was heartbroken. Her friends had left, leaving her abandoned.
"I wonder what we should do now... Oh! I know! How about you tell me all you know about the serum used to control you." (Y/N) didn't move. She wasn't going to tell him anything.
"Don't be like that," (Y/N) could almost hear the fake pout on his face, "You know what happens if you don't talk." He chuckled darkly. (Y/N) shivered involentarily, she didn't want to feel more pain.
She heard Mr. Zure stand up, "I will be back in a bit. Try to reconsider your choice." He turned heel and walk out, sealing the door behind him.
(Y/N) hated him. She hated the guards. She hated the scientists, Slade, Scorch, and all those who had caused her pain. She hated them all, even the the... Teen Titans?

No, I don't hate them. They are my friends. She argued to herself.

They hurt you. Lightstorm argued from inside her, They betrayed your trust. They left you here to rot.

No, I love them. They love me back.

They hate you. They want to see you suffer.

No, no that's wrong.

Is it? Robin himself said he dosen't love you.

He just doesn't know the whole story.

He made his descision. You loved each other and he betrayed your love. He crushed you. Break out of here and punish him.

No, I don't want to hurt him.

Yes you do. You want to break out of this prison. You want to go and destroy the Titans.

No, I don't!

Yes you do. You want to do it so bad it hurts.

Get out of my head!

But I am you, I cannot leave.

I am not you. I'm not a killer!

But we are the same person. We both kill. Together as one.


(Y/N) shook her head, trying to rid the voice.

You can't escape who you are.

I'm not you!



Brother killer


Sister killer

Stop it!


(Y/N) screamed, writhering around, clutching her head, "Get out of my head!" She yelled.
It was to late, she felt the darkness come, the power flowing through her veins. Lightstorm had taken over. An evil laugh escaped Lightstorm's lips. She directed her power at the cuffs holding her hands. In one swift tug, she snapped them in half. With her now free hands, she removed the mask over her eyes and felt the wave of familar darkness take over.
Alarms sounded in the distance, reminding her of the time she was wasting.
Without further delay, Lightstorm summoned the winds to propell her upwards. When she had good lift, she imagined lightning. Flashing through the sky faster then the human eye could trace. In that moment, she algined herself with it, and became the lightning.
The world became a blur as Lightstorm streaked up to the sky. The titanium above was supposed to be super-villian proof, but she tore through it like paper. Lightstorm rocketed through the air, breathing it the real oxygen, no recycled air out here.
With one last look at her captors, she waved goodbye and shot off towards Titan Tower.
"I'm coming for you Titans. I'm coming for you all."

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