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*Quick A/N*

Oh my god guys I'm so so so sorry. I'm kinda a little over a month late for this and I'm extremely sorry about that. Words can not express how sorry I am. I just never really got the time to work on it. Anyway, onto the chapter!

-About an hour later, at the abandoned warehouse-

Lightstorm smiled as she carefully drew the knife across Starfire's face, listening to her strained and tired whimpers. "You have two hours before you die... Do you think your beloved friends will save you?" She laughed. Starfire just whimpered, unable to speak with the gag in her mouth.
This continued for another hour and a half. Lightstorm began to get bored. "I'm starting to think that I should just kill you now and get it over with... What do you think? It's a lot easier than suffering." She swung the knife around, leaning against the wall. Star tried to speak, but it was muffled. Lightstorm laughed, but stopped abruptly when she heard clanging. She stepped lightly on her feet, grabbing another blade.
"Come out, come out wherever you are, Titans... I know you're here..." She quietly moved around the small area, waiting for someone to come out. After a moment, she felt a hand grab her wrist. Lightstorm turned around, socking the unknown person in the side of the head. Robin fell to the ground, clutching the side of his head. She turned around, trying to attack the person behind her. Before she could slice Beast Boy's face, Raven trapped her in her dark magic. She tried to step forward, to do anything, but to no avail. Beast Boy began to undo the ropes that held Starfire to the chair. Cyborg began to carry her out, but stopped when Lightstorm laughed.
"Do you really think she's going to survive? Please. She's lost quite a bit of blood. People don't just survive that." None of the others spoke. Lightstorm thrashed against Raven's magic, trying to get free.
"Raven, would you be a dear and let me go? I promise I won't hurt or bother any of you again." She used the sweetest voice she could. Raven clearly struggled to make a decision, as the magic around Lightstorm began to fade.
"Wonderful." Lightstorm said as she was able to move once again, "Now, you all walk out of here, and nobody else gets hurt. You leave me here, and I let you go. Are we in agreement?" She clasped her bloody hands together, smiling sweetly. Nobody moved, Raven's eyes going wide. Lightstorm tilted her head, before realizing that Robin was nowhere to be seen. She turned around, seeing Robin's tearfilled eyes as a sharp dagger plunged into her chest. Blood began seeping from her mouth and the wound. It wasn't any old blood. It was black blood. A faint white light emitted from her chest and mouth as she took a few steps backwards. She made a choked sound as the light got brighter. It completely consumed her, and quickly consumed the entire warehouse. The light was gone in a flash, leaving Lightstorm to collapse onto the ground. A dark grey smoke poured from her mouth and disintegrated into thin air. She didn't move again. The black blood formed a large puddle underneath her. She was, as it would seem, dead. Robin made a choked up noise, dropping his staff to the ground.
"(Y-Y/N)..." He fell to his knees at the puddle of her blood, tears dripping down his face and mixing with the dark, thick liquid. "What have I done..." The warehouse was silent except for the sound of Robin and Raven's choked up sobs.
About an hour later, they finally left, leaving Lightstorm's body there. Cyborg had carried Starfire's body back to the tower. The three others had immediately helped Starfire, trying to stop the bleeding and bring her back to health. They had already lost one person close to them, they couldn't afford to lose another.

-Later that evening-

Lightstorm quietly stood up in the warehouse, yanking the dagger from her chest. She smiled faintly... Her plan had worked...

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