Never Giving Up

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Robin's POV
"I can't belive she's gone." Beast Boy said sadly. I glared at him.
"She wouldn't be gone if you let me save her!" I yelled at him. He started to slide away slowly. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the keys to the car, and ran. The others tried to stop me, but I was determined. I got in the car, and made the ignition roar to life. I drove to Slade's lair, getting numerous calls and texts from the Titans. I finally answered one of Raven's calls. "What?" I asked coldly.
"Robin, please come home. You shouldn't be doing this. She won't come back."
"She will. I will make her."
"Robin, you can't make her. She could seriously hurt you, or worse. Why do you even care ths much?"
"I care because I love her. I have an actual romantic interest in her. She liked me too. We were going to go on a date yesterday, but Slade took her away. I know, it's risky and I can get hurt, but I'm doing this out of love. You know what they say, love hurts." Raven was about to say something, but I cut her off by hanging up. I could see Slade's lair. There was a large black cloud, covering that part of the town. It didn't make sense. Unless, Lightstorm was helping Slade. Not knowing where else to go I drove towards the swirling mass of darkness.
I  watched as the small car that Robin was driving come closer. I looked over to Master Slade for permission. He nodded and I lanched into the air, flying towards my enemy.
"Remember," Slade said in my earpiece, "This is your big test. You better not mess up! And one more thing, remember that I want him alive!"
"Understood." I said grimly. I was rather dissapointed that I wasn't going to be able to completeley destroy my arch enemy Robin but what  Master Slade had in store for him would be very enjoyable. Before I could stop myself I laughed. A dark evil laugh that came from the deepest and darkest parts of my being. I loved it.
Robin's POV
As I drove towards the dark cloud I saw a dark figure flying towards me. It seemed to be laughing evily. It was Lightstorm! She landed on the hood of the car, denting it badly. Before I could do anything she had completely ripped the top of the car of and grabbed my sholders. I was pulled out and thrown into the air before I had even pulled out my staff. Luckily, I landed on my feet and pulled out my weapon before her next attack.
"(Y/N), snap out of it!" I yelled at her.
"That name means nothing!" She screamed at me. A dark cloud formed over her head and I was push back by extremely strong winds. "I hate you!" She yelled.
I tried to walk towards her but it took all my strength just to not go flying into one of the nearby buildings.
"Snap out of it!" I yelled at her, "I need you back!" Her face showed absolute fury. Then I noticed that she was holding a  weapon. It looked like a sword but it was slightly curved and very skinny.
"Feel the wrath of my katana!" She pointed it towards the sky and lightning arced down from the sky and connected to the katana making it glow with power. She pointed it at me and a pure beam of lightning shot towards me. I quickly jumped out of the way but still felt the amazing power of that blast. I had barely recovered when she flew at me at the speed of lightning at took a swipe at me and I dodged.
"I don't want to hurt you!" I yelled as I narrowly doged another attack.
"Too bad, the feelings not mutual!" she shouted as she launched another attack. This time I tried to block with my staff, but her weapon was still super charged with lightning. It arced up my arm and the last thing I remember was feeling like I was burning all over and the distance sounds of Titans fighting in the distance. Then I blacked out.

When I woke up the first thing I saw was the mask of Slade. I instantly tried to scramble backwards but realized that I was up against a wall. A quick look around revealed that by wrists were shackled against a steel wall in a room made of somesort of hard metal. Slade was standing about four feet away from me and Lightstorm was standing at his side.
"Robin," he snapped his fingures so I would look at him, "Robin," he said again, neeling down to eye level. "Robin, all your friends, all the Titans, are dead."
WHAP WHAP!!! Most of this was writen by my friend. She does not currently have a Wattpad account. Peace off peeps! BOOP

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