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Outside MAINE
The building didn't look like much. Just an old broken down building in the middle of nowhere. Robin looked up from the binoculars. He activated his comunicator to talk to Raven.
"Raven, you there?" he asked.
"Yeah, what have you seen so far?"
"No guards, but I have seen 9 cleverly hidden cameras and 2 things that could be laser cannons. I'm sure there is a lot more stuff I missed. Their security is very strong and almost invisible." He reported. He longed to just bust into that building and save (Y/N). Robin hated being so close but not being able to get to her. When thinking this, Robin noticed something on the side of his vison. A truck, heading for the building.
"Raven! We have movement!" He wispered.
"What do you see?"
"There is a truck heading for the compound. I don't know what's inside. It could be (Y/N)!" Robin wispered hopefully. He looked through his binoculars at the truck. The windows were tinted and he couldn't see inside. The truck approached the building and stopped. A figure stepped out from the shadows to meet the it. Robin shifted his position to see the person's face. It was Scorch! Robin almost jumped from his hiding spot to attack him.
Fortunatly, he composed himself at the last second. Instead he focused on the figure getting out of the vehicle. It was a she, but not (Y/N). Robin's heart fell, he had hoped that he could rescue her then and there. The figure walked up to Scorch. Scorch smiled and held open his arms. The girl hugged him. She pulled away and they started talking. Robin turned on a listening device to hear the conversation.
"-ou did a great job getting Lightstorm back home." The figure said to Scorch.
"It was quite easy, really I can't figure out what all the rucus is about." He responded.
"So she is inside?" The girl inquired.
"Yes, she is in the interrogation room. All ready for you to get working." Scorch informed her.
"Good, now let's get going. It is going to be great to see Lightstorm put in her place." Scorch nodded and walked inside with the girl. Not before she turned around for a second to look into the woods. That is when Robin saw her face. Jynx was about to enter that building. It took Robin a second to realize that they were talking about (Y/N). They were going to torture (Y/N). This sent Robin over the edge. Raven, who had heard the whole conversation, tried to stop him, but it was no use. Robin lept up from his hiding place and raced to the closing door. He slipped through at the last second.
When Robin got through the door, he was greeted by a dozen gaurds. They were no match for the rage fueled Robin. He quickly dispatched them and raced down the stairs in front of him. When Scorch and Jynx saw him, Jynx looked suprised, while Scorch looked amused.
This angered Robin even more. He increased his speed and raised his staff to bash Scorch's smug face. Without any fear, Scorch raised one hand to block the oncoming rage machine. At the very last second, when Robin was close enough to touch, Scorch just flicked one finger into Robin's chest. Just one finger, just a little flick. Just this flick stopped Robin in his tracks and sent him flying backwards into the wall. Just a little flick.
"You are so weak, Robin. It is almost unbelivable."Scorch commented as gaurds bound the now stunned Robin.
Jynx walked up to Robin and looked at Scorch.
"He should come too. That would surely break him." She said to Scorch. He pondered this for a moment and then smiled.
"Yes, that would be fun. We can bring him." And with that, he walked off. Letting the gaurds drag Robin behind him.

Interrogation Room, MAINE Facility

All her limbs were sore. Her entire body was sore. (Y/N) had spent the entire day runing on a tredmill, lifting wieghts, and exercising. Now she was sitting, bound to a chair, about to be tortured for the sake of science. Yipee. (Y/N) looked up at the window of one-way glass infront of her. She hated these people so much. They seemed bent on ruining her life. The only reason why she was still going was because her friends were out there and were going to save her soon. (Y/N) was just thinking this when the door into the room opened and Scorch stepped in. She wasn't really suprised that Scorch would be her tormentor, but it still left a sour taste in her mouth. She was suprised when another person walked into the room. Jynx. This sent a shiver up (Y/N)'s spine. In her early days at MAINE, (Y/N) had seen Jynx torture many others. She had never, ever failed to get information out of somebody. Jynx was a master at the art of interrogation. (Y/N) wasn't just scared now, she was completely and utterly terrified. It wasn't the pain that (Y/N) was terrified of, it was that fact that Jynx was so good that she might make (Y/N) give information even if she tried to stop it. This must have showed on her face because Jynx laughed. She obviously loved the fear in peoples eyes.
"Hello Lightstorm, it is so nice to see you again. Especially here." (Y/N) clenched her teeth.
"I will never give you any information!" Jynx smiled at this naive statement.
"Yes you will. Oh, and one more thing, there's something you should see." Jynx looked over at Scorch. He nodded and held up a radio.
"Bring him in."
These words hit (Y/N) like a ton of bricks. Did they get one of her friends, were they going to hurt them? Before she could think anymore, the door to her room opened. In came two gaurds dragging a person. He had burns and cuts all over his body. That person lifted his head and (Y/N) could see his face. Robin! They had captured Robin!
"Robin! What's happening?" (Y/N) started straining against her bonds, much to the amusement of the onlookers.
"The fool was lurking outside. He was stupid enough try to attack us headon, just by himself. To pay for his actions, he is going to watch Jynx interrogate you." Scorch said, smiling, "Now we should get started." With that, he walked out of the room, motioning for the gaurds to take Robin out too. This just left (Y/N) and Jynx alone. (Y/N) had never been more scared in her life. A wide grin spread across Jynx's face.
"Now, shall we get started?"

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