Is It True?

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(Y/N) sat in her cell, hands cuffed behind her, a metal mask covering her eyes. She thought about Lightstorm, what she had done. Lightstorm was a completely different person, using the same body. The guards would never believe her if she told them the truth. (Y/N) knew she wasn't getting a trial, she had already been proved guilty.
She heard footsteps echoing on the floor, coming closer. She thought it was Mr. Zure again, coming for information.
"(Y/N)! I'm so happy to see you!" (Y/N) bolted straight up. It was Robin! Robin had come to save her.
"R- Robin? Is that really you?" She asked.
"Yeah, it's me. I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner." He reached through the bars to hold her. She softened at his touch, glad to feel the warmth of another human again.
"It's okay. As long as you're here now." she leaned closer, "I missed you Robin. I love you." as she leaned closer, he backed away. A sudden coldness filled the air.
"(Y/N), I know this is sudden, um, but, well I heard you did some bad things. And I saw some images of... people, killed by you." (Y/N) felt like crying, she had dreaded the day he would find out.
"Please tell me this isn't true. You didn't do those things, right?" he sounded like he was on the verge of crying. (Y/N) just stayed silent, not willing to say it.
"Please, just tell me it's all a lie." He begged.
"No," (Y/N) wispered, "It's true." Robin stumbled backwards, not believing it.
"You, you," He held his face in his hands, "You lied to me!" He raised his voice higher, "You lied and betrayed me! You are a villian!"
"No, wait! Robin let me explain!" (Y/N) desperatly tried to reach out to him.
"No! I tried to stay by your side no matter what, and this is how you repay me!?" He ripped away from her.
"Please just-" She held out her hand, trying to bring him back, but he was already walking away.
In one last atempt, (Y/N) wispered, "But, I love you."
Robin stopped, and in a cold voice, he told her "I don't love you, and I will never love you again."

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