The Escape

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This entire chapter will be in third person view.
Lightstorm sat at the control center working on the caplse quantom adjusters. She would occasionly look at the moniters for the prisons cells and hallways. But there was really nothing to worry about. Robin was snug in his prison cell, not doing anything but wimpering now and again. Beast Boy was was in the form of a dog, sleeping on the floor in his little prison. Cyborg was sitting playing rock paper scissors with himself in his cell. That must have been boring. Starfire was apparently meditating. It looked really weird in Lightstorms opinion. Starfire's cell was desighned to keep her very calm and peaceful. Then Lightstorm turned her attention to the wall of moniters that displayed Raven's state. She was currently in a heavy duty cell deep underground. Raven was straped to a hostipal bed and was being give massive amounts of sleep medicine to keep her from getting angry. Her vitals were good and her sleep patterns steady so she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.
Lightstorm went back to focusing on her quantum adjusters. Behind her the door to the control room opened and she turned to see Master Slade. Lightstorm stood and walked over to him.
"What can I do for you Master Slade?"
"Fetch me Robin."
"Yes Master."
As she walked down the countless hall ways to Robins cell. She thought about her former life as a tool to the Titans. She hated them so much now. She was so grateful to Master Slade for his help.

Robin looked up as the door to his prison opened. His worst enemy and best friend walked in, Lightstorm. Her lightning katana appeared in her hand. Robin closed his eyes, preparing for death to merciful take him. But it didn't. The only thing that was cut were his chains. He looked up at his love with hope that she was no longer evil and was setting him free. But it was not to be.
"Master Slade has summoned you." she told him in a emotionless voice.
"Why?" Robin asked. Lightstorm sprang into action in the blink of an eye. She jumped in the air and delivered a smashing spin kick to his side knocking him to his knees.
"OW!" Robin yelped.
"You do not ask questions here. Understand?" Lightstorm hissed in his ear. Robin nodded.
She led him down the countless halls of Slades lair to the control room. Now all the monitors were shut off.
"Hello Robin. I going to get strait to the point of why you are still alive. Becuase I am curious. I do not understand how a person so weak can lead The Teen Titans." Robin bit his lip to keep from insulting Slade.
"I want to see why you lead."Slade continued, "You will fight against Lightstorm in a arena so I may observe your power."
"But I have already fought her." Robin stated.
"Last time you fought she was ordered to capture you, not kill you. This will be a fight to the death." Slade said.
Robin looked over at Lightstorm, she seemed perfectly fine with the idea. Even though she had hurt him he still wouldn't be able harm her ever. Robin didn't know what he was going to do.
"So now we are ready to do this."said Slade,"Follow me Robin." Robin followed him for what seemed like for ever untill Slade led him into a room with only one thing in it. A giant glass tube.
"Please step inside the tube."Slade said. Robin obliged. The tube closed itself and Slade left. About a minute later the tube started to rise. It rose into a huge arena as big as the Roman colluseum. The booming voice of Slade filled the arena.
"It is time to see who is better! Fight!" it commanded them.
Lightstorm wasted no time. She immdeatly leaped into action. Her katana appeared in her hand and she jumped into the air. She slashed at him twice and he barley dodged. Robin had his staff (which had appeared in his hands at some time) and Lightstorm had her sword. They fought for a few minutes, but the entire time Robin was on defense and Lightstorm was attacking. This was very tiring for Robin who couldn't survive much more of this and since he would never go on offfense he knew he would lose. Finally, Robin's staff was knocked away and he was defenseless. Robin knew this was the end so he just stood still and waited for her to finish him off. She rushed towards him sword raised, ready to complete her mission she realized that this man had chose for her to kill him other than try to harm her. This meant that Robin loved her will all his heart even she was evil and hated him. He still belived in her. In that moment she made a decision.

Robin waited for the sword to cut him. For death to take him, but instead he felt nothing. He looked up and saw something shocking. The sword that was meant to kill him was now two inches away from Slade's head, impaled in stone. The look on Slade's face was priceless, but Robin was looking at something else.
"Lightstorm, you're back!" exclaimed Robin
"Not Lightstorm," she said,"(Y/N). Now we have to go!" She summoned two small clouds to ride away on. They flew high above the arena, hearing Slade's shouts of anger fade away.
"Ok.Now we have to rescue the other Titans." said (Y/N).
"WHAT!!! They're alive?"Robin almost fell off his cloud.
"Why did you not tell me this sooner?"
"I was busy being evil"
"Where are they?"
"In Slade's lair."
"How will we save them?"
"With help from Raven."
"Isn't she locked up like all the others?"
"Then how in holy donuts will she help?"
"I'll explain later."
Suddennly a giant beam of darkness shoots out of the ground with the sound of a thousand monsters roaring about five hundred yards away from them. From the hole that power surge created crawled out a very angry Raven in full Giant demon form. As soon as she saw (Y/N) she started shooting towards her and was about to attack when Robin jumped in the way and yelled,"Raven stop! She isn't evil anymore!"
Instantly Raven turns into regular Raven.
"Hey (Y/N), so you're not evil anymore."
"Nah, Robin broght me back. So the sleepyness wore off?"
"So you ready to rescue the others?"
So the three if them broke back into Slades base and rescued all the other Titans. And they all went back to the Tower for some rest and happyness. Little did the know that Slade was hunting and was eager for revenge...
WHAPIDDY WHAP WHAP WHAP!!!! Again.... My friend wrote this. Now a word from my friend, Hello peoples who read this stuff. I would appreciate if you could leave some comments telling me how you like my small story things and if you hated it or not. Thank you for reading my horrible stuff, Bye. That was some words from my friend. Peace off peeps! BOOP!
~Fan_Girl188 and friend.

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