A name

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Titan Tower
Robin sat on his bed, scrolling through documents concerning the actions of Lightstorm. He was currently looking at the most recent entry. This was updated just minutes before the facility was destroyed.
Robin's eyes flickered over the unimportant scientific things. He didn't understand the neurology talk, so he skipped it. He started reading the entry concerning (Y/N) interrogation.
"Subject #6 was placed in interrogation at 1400 hours. Subject's tormentor, named 'Jynx', was experienced in this field. Subject showed resistance at first, lasting longer than most humans. This is most likely because It was raised in a painful environment and was used to pain. However, interrogator was able to coax information out of Subject #6 using a variety of methods. This included electrocution, Dolor Hex, The Vincent Knife technique... (See full list and details on page 8)."
Robin finished reading the passage. He didn't really know why he was reading these. Perhaps because he wanted to feel pity towards his former love. But that was absurd, he told himself, why would he want to feel pity towards that... that thing.
A knock on the door startled Robin, he closed the reports and got up to answer it. As he walked over, he straitened his outfit and tried to fix his hair (even though it never gets messed up).
"Hello?" He asked slowly, opening the door.
"Friend Robin? Can... Can I talk to you for a moment?" Starfire said quietly.
"Sure, Star. What's up?" He opened the door fully.
"Um... Beast Boy has blown up the bread toasting device."
"Really?" Robin raised a single eyebrow, obviously not caring. Star nodded.
"Well I can't help you." Robin closed the door before she could respond.
He walked away from the doorway and flopped out on his bed. Everything seemed so stupid, everybody was an idiot, and Robin didn't want to talk to them. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It wasn't long before Robin started to think about life, and slipped into an existential crisis. He lay there, comtemplating the universe.
It wasn't long before someone knocked on the door again. Robin gave a sigh of annoyance and got up to answer it.
"I don't care if the toaster exploded!" Robin shouted as he opened the door. He was about to say something else, but what was beyond the door stopped him. It was Cyborg, looking more serious than Robin had ever seen. Without a word, he grabbed Robin by the shoulders and dragged him to the main room.
"We just received this message from Lightstorm." He seated Robin on the couch and turned on the TV. The screen blinked to life and Robin was greeted by static. It continued for a few seconds, then turned into a grainy picture of a warehouse. The camera shifted position so that Robin could see a person seated in a chair. The camera focused. Robin saw who it was.
"No. No, this isn't right. How...?" He stared at the screen. The person wasn't sitting in the chair, they were tied to it. There was a gag across the person's mouth, blocking all communication. Long cuts ran down both arms, staining the chair red with blood. The camera moved again, showing the person holding it.
"(Y/N)" Robin whispered, staring at the bloody and crazed villain who had caused him to feel so much pain.
"You have 3 hours before she bleeds out. Come and get her or..." (Y/N) slid her finger across her throat. She moved the camera again and focused on the street sign showing the address.
"You better hurry." She laugh evilly. The screen turned black. Robin didn't move, he couldn't even think. All he could do was whisper on word.

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