"Shall We Dance?"

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Jynx's POV
Finally, I broke her. Lightstorm wasn't that strong after all. I snickered and leaned down closer to my sister.
"So you will tell me what I want to know?"
"Yes" she said in a defeated voice. I smile wider, I knew the pain spell would break her.
"Ok, let's start with defense codes for The Titan Tower." I start.
She hesitated, still holding on to that shread of defiance.
"If you don't tell me now, I'll go to work on Robin." Her eyes widened in fear.
"N-no, I will tell you."
"Good" I was about to start the questions when the door to the room was flung open. Scorch rushed in.
Third Person View
"Yo, bro, wassap?" Jynx asked.
"The Titans are here!" He yelled. Jynx's eyes widened in suprise.
"Go hold them off! I need to get the info fast." Scorch nodded and ran off.
"Ok, let's do this fast."
Outside Intterogation Room 6
"She's right through there! Let's get her back!" Raven yelled as they rushed through the building. As they rushed towards the door, the room turned dark.
"Raven, what are you doing?" someone shouted.
"That's not me!" she responed fearully.
The room suddenly cleared, and leaning by the door, was Scorch.
"You are so gulible. It makes me want to laugh." he said, smiling. He wan't wearing his usual outfit this time. He wore a black t-shirt and tan colored pants.
"Move out of the way!" Cyborg yelled.
"No" Scorch responded, looking at his nails.
"Then I guess we'll just have to make you!" Beast Boy shouted, changing into a gorilla.
"You will try," Scorch stood up straight, raising his hand. Suddenly, his hand burst into flame, the fire raced up his arm, winding around his body like a snake, "Now, shall we dance?"
"Titans Go!"

Inside Interrogation Room 6

"That's everything I need to know. I guess since your friends will be dragged in here soon, I should make you look a bit more desperate." Jynx said, pulling out a knife.
"Why? Why would you do this?" (Y/N) said in a wisper. Jynx hesitated, lowering the knife.
"I - I do this because this is who I am, what I am good at." She said, an uncertain look on her face. (Y/N) lifted her head and looked her sister squarely in the eye.
"It dosen't have to be that way. You can change who you are."
"No! I have chosen my path. Even if I was to set you free, I would have to go up against Scorch and I don't feel like dying right now."
"Stand up to him, fight him! I know you can!"
"I wouldn't last a second. He is surgicaly modified to be a human weapon. He is one of the greatest warriors ever known to man. And, he is my only family."
(Y/N) droped her head, and in a small voice, she asked, "Then what am I?"
"A job." She said, raising the knife. In one swift stroke, it found it's target

Im so sorry this took so long, and that it's so short. I'm so busy with school and dont have much free time. Sorry again.

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