Meeting her

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     Warning Swearing:

      3rd person POV

 George woke up to his phone ringing and answered without looking at the caller id. 

"George!" George flinches. 

"What Clay?

"You can meet the girl I told you about!" George stays silent 

"George? George!" 

"Okay clay I'll meet her later." He hung up with a sigh, he had to get ready for this mess to continue on.

 George went into the bathroom and took a bath, after he was done with the bath he brushed his teeth. 

 He blow dried his hair soon after brushing his teeth, after blow drying his hair he went into his bedroom to change into a white t-shirt and some ripped jeans. I guess this will do.. He checked the clock and saw he had 20 minutes left.

 He took his time to get his keys and head into his BMW. He didn't care if he was late he didn't even want to meet her, he just wanted to stay home and stream or play with his friends free of girls. Once he arrived he realized he was 5 minutes late. He got out of his car hoping they didn't wait for him and just left.

 He got out of his thoughts to someone calling him, "George! Over here!" Shit

"Hi Dream.

"George, meet Heather." George tried his best to fake a smile and it worked.

"Heather, meet George." Heather rolled her eyes and only George noticed. This bitch did not. 

" I need to go.

"Wait wh-" George walked off without letting him finish. 

He got into his car and just wanted to punch something. I thought clay said she was nice?! Not some bitch. 

He started his car and started driving home. 

Once he was home he went into his bedroom to change into some sweats. After he changed he decided he wanted to stream so that's what he did. He logged onto the SMP and saw that Tommy and Tubbo were in a call so he decided to join. He joined into Tommy telling Tubbo some evil plans.

"I'm telling Dream."

"Wait don't!" Tommy responded in a panic.

"Relax I'm kidding, anyways want to be in my stream?"

"Sure!" Tubbo and Tommy both said at the same time then started laughing. 

After killing each other back and forth Dream joined. Dream said into the chat 'Hey guys! My friend is gonna join the SMP.'

Tommyinnit - Don't you need to have skill or something like that to join. 

Dream - Well yeah but I can teach her. 

Tommyinnit- Oh okay.

As they  played for more time someone joined. 

Heatherwastaken has joined your game 

" Is this your friend?

"Yeah this is Heather."

Why does this girl have Wastaken in her name.

 Georges POV

As we continued playing Dream would flirt with her every chance he got.  Heather would say stuff like, "I'm so bad haha or I'm horrible at this game." Like yeah you are now shut up . Chat didn't seem to like her either since they kept spamming that she was fishing for compliments and stuff like that. 

It honestly made me laugh but I pretended to not notice and just let them continue. I ignored her until Heather said, "Haha I am so bad!" Then Dream responded with, "You're better than George."

I wouldn't care but I took it as a chance to put them in their place, "Yeah no she's not, she's shit at this game and looks it genuinely. And before you even start with me I actually got into SMP by myself not because I was your little whore.

When I left I only heard Dream say, "George-"

I looked at chat and there was only stuff like:


I chuckled a bit then said my goodbyes to stream and ended it. When I went to bed I heard a ding. I opened it and saw Dream messaged me. 

WTF GEORGE WHY DID YOU DO THAT                                                                                                                            Read 10: 31

Delivered 10:32

Dream POV:

That was not George at all. He would never snap at someone like that. I wonder if he's doing okay.

 No why do I care he embarrassed Heather in front of his whole stream and chat seemed happy. As much as I tried I couldn't get George out of my head. I tried my best to ignore my thoughts and continued to play with Heather. I was completely ignored along with Heather by Tommy and Tubbo. 

2 weeks later

3rd POV 🌼

Dream and Heather became a couple when they told their friends they were happy, some. After they told their friends George completely stopped talking to Dream making him wonder what he did wrong. He would show up to George's house but would get no response. He would message him and get left on read. 

He stopped trying to contact George and just spent his time with his new girlfriend. Clay saw that he needed to buy more groceries and headed off to the store. Once he arrived he grabbed all his groceries but as he was walking to the cashier he walked into someone. The stranger helped him stand up and he got a chance to look at his face. 


(884 WORDS)




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