In the Event

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I'm currently writing this while trying to get over a death 😈 (this is how i cope i apologize)

~~~~~ 🌼 ~~~~~

George and Dream walked around greeting their friends, seems like they had also been invited. It was comforting to know that they weren't the only ones there.

Dream of course was wearing his famous mask, they had to use this so no one would see how he actually looked. George of course didn't like this, it meant he would get no kisses. He still managed to survive somehow.

(I don't exactly remember if Dream has face revealed but lets pretend he hasn't 😟)

Many fans would come up to him and George; asking for pictures or something similar. None of them minded as to this is what the event was about.

Someone gremlins would try to yank the mask off but would immediately fail, and get in trouble with one of the guards.

It wasn't appropriate of them to do that, and it was one of the rules mentioned.

Dream had been worried about this, he was planning on face revealing but didn't want it to he on accident. For all he could know he could have food on his face.

He wanted to make sure when he did face reveal that he looked perfect and had his friends with him.

He heard some people call him Clay which made him chuckle. He had saw it was some sort of thing in the George's chat quite random but okay.

He continued walking with George glued to his side, they both had no separated once and did not plan on it. Even if Dream or George tried to leave the other would immediately tug on their hand while pouting. They were forced to stay together.

~~~~~ 🌼 ~~~~~

Ily ❤️

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