Going Back Home

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Wrote this while in the middle of a desert we're popping off. I'm also chillin with this huge as monkey that I put a seatbelt on. 👯

~~~~~ 🌼 ~~~~~

The next day they had to go back home, they couldn't last that long away, because they already missed their pets. Sapnap had chosen to 'catnap' them. It was better than leaving the cats alone so they accepted the offer.

(This is where I saw a mfing small ass tornado or something its dust idk if I don't post again I died but wanted to post, tell my hoes that they own this account now.)

Dream packed up the equipment while George put their clothes in a bag, they had to change of course nothing else you idiots.

When they finished doing what they were meant to do, they put the stuff in the trunk or boot.

(I'm a stinky not British person,ignore that.
Although yall stink too ig.)

They got in the car, and started driving home. Dream holding George's hand and expecting him to move his hand to his thigh which he did. Dream smiled and kissed his hand before putting it back on his thigh.

He rubbed circles on his thigh as he drove.

Sweater weather came on, and they began singing along with it. After it finished a love song came up, they both looked at each other for a split second before smiling.

After that love songs kept playing, they sang along to those. Every time a love part they looked at each other and sang along.

There was traffic but they didn't mind, it meant more time together before they had to see Sapnap, and have no more time alone with each other.

~~~~~ 🌼 ~~~~~

Still in a desert.

Nvm I'm home, anyways this will be the only chapter for today since I am not doing well 😩

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