Chapter 9

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I woke up and turned my head from side to side. One side was a boring gray hospital wall while on the other side was my parents and my brother, Leon.

"Sorry, we couldn't make it earlier," my mother pleaded as if she was asking for forgiveness.

"It's fine," I mumbled.

After five minutes of questions, the same nurse walked in the room. She smiled.

"I'm here to check your vitals and give you an update on Grant," she explained.

"The good news is that Grant just got out of surgery five minutes ago. It took a little bit longer than expected because of excessive bleeding. He is in recovery now, but we are unsure of when he'll wake up or if he'll be in a coma."

My heart sunk when she said that. I bit my lower lip and nodded slowly.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll come and get you as soon as I receive word from Trauma, that he has woken up," she reassured.

The nurse then checked my vitals and changed my IV bag and left.

My parents were very silent and they eventually walked down to the cafeteria to get coffee with my brother.

I checked my phone as soon has they left. They was a text message from Melinda, Grant's Mom.

"Twenty minutes out," it read.

I smiled because I couldn't stand the thought of Grant being alone, and it was great because he wouldn't be alone once his Mom got here. My phone said that I received the text 15 minutes ago, so she should almost be here.

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