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10 years later

"Hey, babe," my husband, Ben, hollered. "The mail came."

"Bring it to the kitchen," I said back.

"Here you go," he said.

Ben wrapped his arms around my waist as I looked through the mail.

"Oh my gosh,"I whispered.

"What is it babe?" He asked.

"It's a Christmas Card from Grant Perkins," I responded.

"You mean the Grant Perkins that you donated part of your liver to?" He questioned.

I nodded and opened the letter. Inside there was a thank you letter and a photo of his family.

He had two beautiful daughters and a lovely wife. 

The letter read:

Thank you so much Becca for donations part of your liver. You were right, I have so much a live for. I don't know where I would be without Kenize and Becca who are 8 and 5. I named Becca after you because just like her you were truly gift.  Everyday I thank God for you because without you I wouldn't have my life and I couldn't imaging a place without my wife Rose and my daughters.

With Love,


"You did an amazing thing Bec," Ben whispered in my ear. He gave me a kiss on the check.

Just then our five month son started crying from our room. Ben and I both went to try to calm Matthew down.

I was glad that Grant listened to me that day but I was even happier that he was living his life out to the fullest.

The end! Thank you guys so much for reading.

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