Chapter 26

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There was a knock on the door frame. Startled, I looked up and saw it was Melinda. I waved and smiled at here. Before she opened her mouth to speak, I put my index finger to my lips signaling to be quiet. Grant was asleep. As carefully and quickly as I could I got out the bed and met Melinda at the door.

"Jacob and I are going to go out for a little bit. We need to run a few quick errands. I am also going to take Jeff back to the hotel room. He needs to rest before you leave for Buckner." She explained.

I nodded.

"Grant has been asleep for about two hours," I whispered.

Melinda walked into the room to check on Grant. She smiled at her sleeping son and gave him a kiss on forehead.

"You should go home too. You have been here everyday and I appreciate it so much but you need some sleep," Melinda said.

I gave her a worried look. I wasn't sure about leaving Grant.

Almost like she read my mind she quickly responded, "Grant will be fine. He needs his rest and Jacob and I will be gone for only about an hour."

"Okay," I said. "I will go home get some sleep and work on a little bit of homework."

Melinda left the room to go find Jacob. I grabbed Grant's hand and kissed his forehead. 

"I be back tomorrow, my love," I whispered.

I gently set his hand back on the bed and walked toward the doorway. I stopped there for just a second. I watched the monitor that monitors his heart go up and down with every beat of his heart.

Right there, I was thankful that Grant was not taken from this world. I was thankful that his heart still had a beat and that his lungs still where filled with air. Right there, I was thankful that God had not taken him from this world.  I smiled and turned to face the hallway.

The hallway was particularly busy today. The nurses were bustling from room to room. I saw Alexa and gave her a quick wave. She waved back and quickly returned back to her work.

I took the stairs again. There was something about the stairs that made them so peaceful. Hardly anyone used them. Occasionally a doctor or nurse would pass me going in the opposite direction.

The elevator was probably to crowded or their was an emergency I assumed.

I made it to the main lobby where I walked out the main doors and to the parking lot. I found my car got in and turned the key.

I still didn't feel right about leaving but I knew I needed to go home and actually sleep.

Grant was safe there. He was surrounded by trained professionals who knew what they where doing.

Tomorrow. I told myself. Tomorrow I would see Grant again and tomorrow I would find out if I was a match. Tomorrow I would find out if I could save Grant's life.

I backed out of the hospital parking a lot. I cranked the radio up to drown out my thoughts and I sped home on highway knowing that I was doing the right thing by going home for the day and that all of my questions would have answers tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache, hoping this wasn't a sign of things to come.

I ate breakfast, took a couple aspirin and left for the barn. I hadn't been to the barn in a while but I decided to do chores early without anyone else. I needed some alone time without the family, but more importantly I wanted to thank my brother for doing the chores while I had been at the hospital.

I mixed the feed and the additives together until they were blended perfectly throughout.
The calves where standing by the barn door waiting to be let in their pens. I fed the five head each in their pens and filled their water tubs up. I brushed each calf out while they ate. This was what I needed to be honest. Melinda was right I needed to be away from the hospital for a little bit just to clear my mind.

When I got back to the house, my parents and sister were already gone. Their was a note on the fridge that read:

Off to your sister's volleyball tournament. Be back tomorrow night.

I stuck the note back on the fridge and went to shower.  Melinda had texted me last night and said to be at the hospital at 10. I had two hours before I had to there but only about a hour and  fifteen minutes before I had leave.

I quickly showered and changed and left for the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital Melinda and Alexa where waiting for me just inside the lobby.

"A doctor would like to visit with you," said Alexa. "Follow me."

I nodded and followed her down the hallway and up a small flight of stairs. I had never been in this part of the hospital before. There were about ten doors on either side of the hallway. Beside each door there were nameplates. Dr. Maxon, Dr. Williams, Dr. McCook they read. There were several more to follow. We finally stop at a door. The nameplate read: Dr. King: Transplant Specialist.

Alexa knocked on the door.

"Come in," a husky voice bellowed.

"Dr. King this is Becca Collins and Grant Perkins mother, Melinda Perkins," Alexis explained.

Dr. King nodded and motioned for us to sit down.

Dr. King appeared older with the wrinkles around his eyes and on his cheeks. He wore round glasses and a white lab coat. His hair was white with specks of grey in it.

"Mrs. Perkins I have reviewed your son's file and I believe that the best option we have for your son is a Living Donor Liver Transplant," he said. "Unfortunately, no one in your family was a match."

When I heard it felt like a giant pit had formed in my stomach. That whole sentence was a punch in the gut.

Dr. King took his glasses off and pointed at me. "But this is where you come in Miss Collins."From your tests, we've concluded that you are a match for Grant."

I was shocked at the news. I, Becca Collins am a match for Grant. I can save my him.

"But, of course we still need to run a few more tests to ensure that your body will be able to handle the surgery," He added.

I nodded back in return.

The doctor went over a few more details and then we were off. I had to sign a few forms and since I was eighteen I didn't need any signatures from my parents.

Once we were halfway down the highway I asked Melinda, "Does Grant know that there is a match?"

She nodded. "He knows that there is match, but he doesn't know that it is you. I would like you to tell him."

Shocked, I didn't say anything for awhile. I finally mustered up an okay. She wanted me to tell Grant that I was his match. She wanted me to tell the same Grant who completely lost in when I had to get four stitches in my arm.

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